The figure below shows an example of how to complete the required fields.
Registering Handsets
To configure specific handsets with identities so that they can make calls:
1. Under the Administration menu, select DECT and then select Users.
2. Select New. An Edit User dialog box will appear.
3. In the Long Name field, enter any name.
4. In the Name field, enter the identity (extension). Refer to Gathering Information on page 6 for
instructions on locating the identity. No spaces are allowed.
5. In the Number field, enter the SIP identity address (extension). Refer to Gathering Information
on page 6 for instructions on locating the SIP identity address.
6. In the Password field, enter the SIP authentication password. Refer to Gathering Information on
page 6 for instructions on locating the SIP authentication password.
7. In the Display Text field, enter a standby text. This is displayed on the handset. This can be the
identity or a name to identify the location of the handset.
8. In the IPEI field, enter the IPEI number (serial number) of the handset. Refer to Gathering
Information on page 6 for instructions on locating the IPEI.
9. In the Auth Code field, if you previously selected With User AC in Configuring the DECT
System on the KWS600v3 on page 9, enter the numerical access code.
10. Select Apply.
11. Repeat Steps 1 through 10 for each new handset to be registered to the system.
12. Select OK to save the registration(s).