A-12 Application Notes
Network The physical and logical connection of computers
and peripheral devices that allows communication
and data sharing.
Network Protocols A set of rules defining the physical and logical
OS/2 Operating system (multitasking, single user)
that is used on the AMU controller PC.
PC Personal Computer.
RAM Random Access Memory
Robotic archive A storage system featuring one or more robots for
media handling.
RPC Remote Procedure Call - with XDR, RPC is the
Session Layer (layer 5) and XDR is the
Presentation Layer (layer 6) of the ISO/OSI
layered client interface.
Scratch media Media that has no client data and is free for use
and reclassification.
Scratch pool A collection of scratch media of the same media
Shelf archive An identifiable set of contiguous bins for storing
Slot A single medium storage location. Also referred to
as a bin in some archives.
Stage A type of media storage area containing no
assignable bin/slot locations.
Administrator (SA)
The primary human controller of a computer
system. The SA configures each archive, issues
restricted commands, and generates reports
appropriate to efficient management of the overall
Terabyte (TB) 10
bytes, or one million megabytes.
User Also known as the client or the client system.
Volume A removable entity of tape media.