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Alarm Interface Controller Network Module
The Alarm Interface Controller (AIC) is a network
module that greatly expands the network monitoring and
control capabilities of the Cisco 2600 and 3600 Series
routers.TheAICfunctionsas anintegratedentityresiding
within the Cisco 2600 Router to provide network alarm
monitoringandremote control ofnetwork elements. The
AIC reduces service provider and enterprise operating
expenses by facilitating a “single box” solution, doing
away with the need for a dedicated external alarm
monitoring device. This greatly simplifies network
layout, monitoring, and control resulting in lower
(OAM&P) costs. The AIC is supported in Cisco IOS
12.2(2)XG and 12.2(8)T. The AIC network module
supports 64discretealarm monitoring points, of which 8
of the last 64 alarm points are software- configurable to
accept either analog or discrete inputs. The AIC further
supports 16 controlrelays to facilitate the remote control
of network elements.
Table 6 Alarm Interface Controller Network Module
Module Description Cisco IOS Version
NM-AIC-64 Alarm monitoring and control network
module; 64 monitoring points and 16 control
12.2(2)XG and 12.2(8)T
Advanced Integration Module Options
The Cisco 2600 Series offers data compression or data
encryption through the use of an internal AIM slot. This
offers the advantage of allowing external slots to remain
available for components such as integrated CSU/DSUs,
analog modems, or Voice/Fax Network Modules, while
bandwidth management.
The Data Compression AIM provides a cost-effective
option for reducing recurring WAN costs and maximizes
the benefit of the advanced bandwidth management
features of the Cisco IOS software. With compression
ratios of up to 4:1, the Data Compression AIM supports
8Mbps of compressed data throughput without imposing
additional traffic latency—enough to keep two T1 or E1
circuits full of compressed data in both directions
simultaneously. The Data Compression AIM supports
industry standard LZS and Microsoft Point-to-Point
Compression (MPPC) algorithms and ensures
compatibility with all Cisco products supporting
hardware- or software-based compression.
The Data Encryption AIM offloads encryption processing
from the Cisco 2600 Series CPU, providing 10 times
the performance over software-only encryption. The
AIM-VPN/BPsupports amaximumnumberof300 remote
access tunnels, while the new AIM-VPN/EP provides
support for a maximum number of 800 remote access
tunnels. The AIM-VPN/EP is designed to take advantage
of the performance power of the Cisco 265x Series and is
recommended with this series only.
The new AIM-ATM module provides a
high-performance hardware-based ATM access solution
for one to four T1 orE1 connections supported by the T1
or E1 VWICs (for example, VWIC-IMFT-T1). This frees
the network moduleslotto support other functions. When
used in combination with a high density voice network
module (NM-HDV-xxx), the ATM AIM supports ATM
adaption Layer (AAL) 2 and AAL5 VoATM.