2. Visual Distress Signals: All boats 16 feet and more in length used on
coastal waters, the Great Lakes, territorial seas and those waters connected
to them must be equipped with visual distress signals.
Pyrotechnic signals must be Coast Guard approved, in serviceable condition,
readily accessible and marked with a date showing service life which must
not be expired. Approved pyrotechnic signals include red flares (hand-held
or aerial), orange smoke (hand-held or floating), and launchers for aerial red
meteors or parachute flares. Non-pyrotechnic visual distress signals include
an orange distress flag (for day use only) and an electric distress light (for
night use only).
3. Fire Extinguishers: These are required on boats if any of the following
conditions exist: inboard engines; closed compartments where portable fuel
tanks may be stored; double bottoms not sealed or filled; closed living
spaces; closed stowage compartments; permanently installed fuel tanks.
Approved extinguishers are classified by a letter and number symbol, either
B-1 or B-II (B designation to extinguish flammable liquids such as gasoline,
etc.), and are hand-portable. B-1 types dispense 1.25 gallons of foam, 4
pounds of carbon dioxide, 2 pounds of dry chemical or 2.5 pounds of Halon
extinguishing agents. B-II types dispense 2.5 gallons of foam, 15 pounds of
carbon dioxide, 10 pounds of dry chemical or 10 pounds of Halon
extinguishing agents. Fire extinguishers required: On boats less than 26 feet,
One B-1; on boats 26 feet to less than 40 feet, two B-1 or one B-II; on boats
40 to 65 feet, three B-1 or one B-II and one B-1.
4. Sound Signaling Devices: Regulations do not specifically require vessels
less than 12 meters (39.4 feet) to carry a whistle, horn or bell. However, the
navigation rules require sound signals to be made under certain
circumstances. Meeting, crossing and overtaking situations described in the
"Rules of the Road" section of this manual illustrate when sound signals are
required. Recreational vessels are also required to sound fog signals during
periods of reduced visibility. Vessels 12 meters or more in length are
required to carry a whistle or horn and a bell.
5. Navigation Lights: Recreational vessels are required to display navigation
lights between sunset and sunrise and other periods of reduced visibility
(fog, rain, haze, etc.). Navigation lights are intended to keep other vessels
informed of your presence and course. It is up to you to make sure they are
operational and turned on when required.
Additional Safety Information
Many boats have a factory installed lanyard actuated emergency stop
switch (kill switch). If so equipped, it is highly recommended that it be used
since it can prevent your boat from becoming a runaway. The lanyard
should be of sufficient length to avoid inadvertent activation. Accidental loss
of power can be hazardous particularly when docking or in heavy seas,
strong current or high winds.