NOTE: While this manual contains a wealth of information on safe and enjoyable
boating, it doesn't provide everything you need to know about it. Read the material
supplied by the manufacturer of your engine, since this manual doesn't supplant or
change applicable engine specifications, installation, operation or maintenance
instructions supplied by the manufacturer of any of your equipment, parts or
accessories. We also recommend reading the boating literature published by your
state boating agency and taking advantage of the free boating education classes
described on the last page of this booklet.
For maximum enjoyment and safety, check each of these items
BEFORE you start your engine:
DRAIN PLUG (Securely in place?)
LIFE-SAVING DEVICES (One for every person on board?)
STEERING SYSTEM (Working smoothly and properly?)
FUEL SYSTEM (Adequate fuel? Leaks? Fumes?)
BATTERY (Fully charged? Cable terminals clean and tight?)
ENGINE (In neutral?)
CAPACITY PLATE (Are you overloaded or overpowered?)
WEATHER CONDITIONS (Safe to go out?)
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (Lights, horn, pump, etc.?)
EMERGENCY GEAR (Fire extinguisher, bailer, paddle, anchor &
line, signaling device, tool kit, etc.?)