Whenever possible, make a pre-installation visit or call someone at the site. Installers
must be familiar with everything relative to proper installation of this equipment. Some
concerns are listed below, though listing every affecting contingency is impossible. It is
the installer’s responsibility to check the site for problems and work out solutions with
the appropriate people. Some of the areas of concern are:
1. Is the site accessible?
2. Can the equipment get through the existing doorways, halls, and shaft openings?
3. How will the unit be raised, set into position, and accessed?
4. Can a chain fall be hooked to an available overhead support?
5. Is there a forklift available?
6. Is bracing required?
7. Look for problem areas such as bracing and overhead interference from ducts,
joists, and pipes.
It is always best to be prepared, so do as much pre-planning as possible before the
installation procedure actually begins. Learn about the site, the equipment, and the
installation process.