Autoquip Corporation has designed and manufactured these gates and enclosures to
conform to ANSI Standard B20.1b in order to provide personnel protection from moving
loads on the lift and to ensure safe access to the lift at every operating level. They have
been built to provide many years of dependable service and proper installation of this
equipment is vital to personnel safety. It is vital for the installers to read and
understand this manual! These instructions have been prepared and organized to
assist the installers and it is important for these individuals to carefully follow the steps
in the order they are presented!
Situations may arise which are not covered in these installation instructions. If you have
questions, please call Autoquip Customer Service at (405) 282-5200 or 1-888-811-
NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, mechanical installation does not include
unloading, permits, seismic calculations, or extensive acceptance testing. The
requirements of each contract should be carefully reviewed for possible conflicts
of interpretation.