Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/Cut Sheet Feeding - 11
Cut Sheet Feeding
No access to second or
third bin
Make sure DIP switches 2-5 and 2-6 are set for number of bins
installed. (These switches have to be set only once.)
Printer doesn’t
recognize bin 3
Check for gear configuration pin. If gear configuration pin is in,
bin 2 becomes the expansion bin; if plug is removed, expansion
bin becomes bin 3.
Paper from
expansion bin 3 is
skewed (bent)
Add 3.1 mm rubber bumpers to bottoms of expansion bins 2 and 3.
Documents going into
wrong bins
Check whether application supports multiple-bin feeding. If not,
each page of a file is treated as separate job and all pages come out
of bin selected under “First Sheet From” in the Print dialog box
(under Options button).