Now you have the best of both worlds. With an Apple IIe Card installed in
your Macintosh computer, you can take advantage of the newest Macintosh
technology and still run the world's largest collection of personal computer
software -- more than 10,000 Apple IIe programs. This guide tells you how.
About the Apple IIe Card
The Apple IIe Card is an accessory card that lets you run Apple IIe programs
on a Macintosh LC computer. Once you've set a few options in the card's
Option Panel, turning the Macintosh into an Apple IIe is as simple as double-
clicking an icon on the Macintosh desktop.
While your Macintosh LC is in the Apple IIe environment, it performs just
like an Apple IIe computer. You start up Apple IIe programs, work with Apple
IIe files, use Apple II system utilities -- just as you do on an Apple IIe.
And what you see on the Macintosh monitor is exactly what you'd see on an
Apple IIe monitor.
And you can return to the Macintosh desktop by clicking a button.
About this Guide
This guide contains all the information you need to use the Apple IIe Card
with your Macintosh LC. Here's what you'll find in this guide:
- Chapter 1, "Preparing the Equipment," tells you how to connect Apple IIe
disk drives and other devices to your Macintosh LC computer. It also
discusses how to prepare your hard disk so it can store Apple IIe files.
- Chapter 2, "Preparing the Software," tells you how to install the Apple IIe
Card software.
- Chapter 3, "Learning to Use the Apple IIe Card," contains a brief tutorial
that teaches you step by step how to run Apple IIe programs on the Macintosh
- Chapter 4, "Setting Up Cards and Slots," describes how to use the special
Apple IIe Card software to install and arrange the Apple IIe cards.
- Chapter 5, "Reference," provides instructions for all the features of the
Apple IIe Card and its software program, IIe Startup.
- Appendix A, "Troubleshooting," provides important tips to help you if you
run into problems.
- Appendix B, "Using a Hard Disk," explains how to store and use Apple IIe
programs and files on your hard disk.
- Appendix C, "Creating Custom Partitions," gives technical details on how to
create a ProDOS partition on your hard disk if you need the partition to be
larger or smaller than the standard 10 megabytes (MB).
- Appendix D, "Parts of the Apple IIe Card Software," explains what each of
the Apple IIe Card files does.
- Appendix E, "Installing Printer Software for the IIe Startup Disk,"