To perform a "cold reset" of your Apple IIe, press these three keys at the
same time:
(If you press these keys while in the Option Panel, you will reset the
Macintosh, not the Apple IIe Card.)
Option Panel Cards
Replaces old
Apple IIe
Icon/Name Accessory Card Comments
5.25-inch Apple 5.25 Drive Only needs to be installed if
Drive Card Interface Card you have a 5.25-inch disk
drive connected to your
Macintosh LC.
AppleShare Apple IIe Only needs to be installed
Card Workstation Card if you are connected to a file
server. Then it's usually
installed in slot 7.
Clock Card Any clock card Only needs to be installed if
you have Apple IIe programs
that use a clock card.
Memory Card Apple IIe Memory Used to increase the amount of
Expansion Card memory available for your
Apple IIe programs.
Monitor Card Any Apple IIe Cannot be moved from slot 3.
monitor card You control the monitor settings
in the Apple IIe Option Panel and
the Macintosh Monitors control panel.
Mouse Card Apple IIe Only needs to be installed if you have
Mouse Card Apple IIe programs that can use a
Printer Card Super Serial Card Used instead of Serial Cards to control
connected to all printers. Choose and set options
the printer using the Macintosh program a
printer called the Chooser.
Serial Card Super Serial Card Used to control a modem or any other
(Modem Port) serial device (except a printer)
connected to the modem port of the
Serial Card Super Serial Card Used to control a modem or any other
(Printer Port) serial device (except a printer)
connected to the printer port of the
SmartPort Card UniDisk 3.5 Controls the scanning order of the disk
Interface Card drives attached to your Macintosh LC.