1. Find the disks that came with your StyleWriter printer.
2. Find the StyleWriter printer file on the StyleWriter disks.
The StyleWriter printer file icon looks like this:
3. Eject the StyleWriter disk by choosing the Eject command from the File
menu. (If you have System 7, the Eject command is in the Special menu.)
The disk is ejected and its icon and windows are dimmed.
4. Insert your copy of the IIe Startup Disk.
5. Open the IIe Startup Disk by double-clicking its icon.
6. Arrange the windows so you can see both the System Folder icon on the IIe
Startup Disk and the StyleWriter printer file icon.
7. Drag the StyleWriter icon into the System Folder icon and insert disks as
8. Choose Restart from the Special menu.
9. When you're finished, select the printer in the Chooser, as described in
"Setting Up the Printer Software" in Chapter 2.