- Make sure the printer's power cord is plugged in and the printer's power
switch is turned on.
- Make sure the printer cable is connected to the correct port.
- Make sure the AppleTalk option is turned off in the Macintosh Chooser if
the printer is directly connected to the Macintosh LC (that is, if it is not
connected via a network).
- Make sure the Printer Card is in a slot that your program can print to,
usually slot 1 (and sometimes slot 7).
- Make sure the program's print options are consistent with the slot settings
in the Option Panel. (See the manual that came with the program you want to
- If you're printing through the Printer Card, make sure your Apple IIe
program is set to print to an ImageWriter II. No matter what printer you're
actually using, the Printer Card treats it like an ImageWriter II.
- Turn on the Extend Printer Timeout feature in the Printer Card portion of
the Option Panel.
An Apple IIe document stops printing before it should
- Don't open the Option Panel while printing. Opening the Option Panel can
interrupt printing.
The pages don't break right or another document prints in the middle of mine
- Turn on the Extend Printer Timeout feature in the Printer Card portion of
the Option Panel.
Problems Ejecting Disks
I can't eject the disk from the built-in disk drive
- Use the Eject buttons in the Option Panel, or press Command-Shift-1. (Press
Command-Shift-2 to eject a disk from a second built-in disk drive.)
- The disk label may be sticking, or the disk may be in backward. Call your
authorized Apple dealer to help fix these problems.
I can't eject the disk from an external disk drive
- If the drive is a UniDisk 3.5 Drive, make sure the drive is properly
connected and that the Macintosh is turned on. Make sure the computer is
turned off before you connect or disconnect any cables.
- If the drive is a UniDisk 3.5 Drive, press the Eject button on the drive.
If the drive is an Apple 5.25 Drive, open the disk drive door.
- The disk label may be sticking, or the disk may be in backward. Call your
authorized Apple dealer to help fix these problems.
I get the message "File couldn't be written and was skipped."
- Make sure that all the files you are copying have fewer than 15 characters