E, "Installing Printer Software for the IIe Startup Disk."
6. If the printer is connected over a network, you need to click the name of
your printer and perhaps also the zone it's in.
See the reference book that came with your Macintosh for more information on
using the Chooser.
7. Choose Close from the File menu.
8. Find the Quick Reference card in the back of the book and mark the blank
that says you are a floppy disk startup person.
It's vital for you to remember where you installed your software because many
tasks later in this book will have different instructions for floppy disk
startup people and for hard disk startup people.
You have one more step before you're finished installing the Apple IIe
hardware and software. You must use a software program to arrange the Apple
IIe accessory cards in your Macintosh LC. But first, you must become better
acquainted with the Apple IIe environment on the Macintosh.
What's Next
The next chapter, "Learning to Use the Apple IIe Card," introduces you to the
Apple IIe environment. Chapter 4, "Setting Up Cards and Slots," explains how
to use the Apple IIe Card software to arrange the cards in your Macintosh LC.
This chapter teaches you step by step how to run Apple IIe programs on your
Macintosh LC. You'll learn how to
- switch between the Macintosh environment and the Apple IIe environment
- run Apple IIe programs on your Macintosh
- control your Apple IIe environment using the Option Panel
- organize your Apple IIe and Macintosh files
!! IMPORTANT: Before you can do the exercises in this chapter, you must set
up your Apple IIe equipment and install the accompanying software as
described in Chapters 1 and 2. !!
Important Details for Floppy Disk Startup People
In the last chapter, you installed special software for your Apple IIe Card,
and you are now either a hard disk startup person or a floppy disk startup
person. (You recorded which you were on the Quick Reference card. See the
previous chapter if you can't remember which you are.) If you're a hard disk
person, this section does not pertain to you. Skip ahead to "Switching
Between the Macintosh and Apple IIe Environments."
!! IMPORTANT: If you are a hard disk startup person, stop reading this
section now and skip to "Switching Between the Macintosh and Apple IIe
Environments." !!