Midwest Industries, Inc. Ida Grove, IA 51445 800.859.3028 www.shorelandr.com 0003476
Page 1 REV B 10/27/06
Bundles Required for SLR55TBBL
69082 Literature Bag - Trailers - Brakes 1
80506-- Frame Bundle - 2X5 - R55TBBL 1
ST215/75R 14C Tire / TS Dir Rim 4
67178-- Tongue Assembly w/UFP - Disc 1
6238600 Rocker Bag - Tandem 1
69352 Brake Kit Tandem Axle Connection Hose 1
66520 Bag w/Chains - No Coupler 1
Table of Contents: Page
Frame Drawing & Bill of Materials ................................2-3
Safety Instructions ........................................................3
Tongue & Safety Chain Dwg/BOM/Assy Instr. ..............4
White Ground Wire Installation .....................................4
SP Winch Dwg/BOM/Assy Instr. ...................................5
Chassis Drawing & Bill of Materials ..............................6-7
Tire Size & Carrying Capacity Chart .............................8
Rocker Arm Instructions ............................................... 8
Spring Assembly Instructions ....................................... 8
Axle Assembly Instructions ...........................................8
Tire & Wheel Assembly ................................................8
Roller Dwg/BOM / Assembly Instructions .....................9-10
Trailer Adjustments .......................................................11
Axle Adjustments .......................................................11
Rear Support System Adjustment .............................11
Roller Adjustment ......................................................11
Rear Roller System Support Adjustment ...................11
Winch Post Adjustments ...........................................11
ShoreLand’r offers their product line in either galvanized or painted
nish. When ordering parts it is important that you specify the nish
or color you have on your product. The ve (5) digit number along
with a two (2) digit space _ _, note the parts which can be purchased
with various nishes. When ordering these items use the ve (5) digit
number along with a two (2) digit sufx for the proper nish.
01..........Arctic White
33..........Galvanized w/Black Plastic Parts