Service manual
Type: WM50
New type old type Main differences Product info
WM33A WM33 Programmer no longer fitted, replaced by rotary switch
and electronic control card. E2 no longer fitted,
new programs. A
New panel graphic.
WM44A WM44 Programmer no longer fitted, replaced by rotary A
switch and electronic control card.
E2 no longer fitted, new programs.
New panel graphic.
WM50 NEW Electronic control with knob and 7-segment B
LED display. 11 programs.
WM55A WM55 New control card. New menu logic. C
New programs. Among other things, 1-24 hour delayed start.
New panel graphic. Shop program indicated on the display.
WM56 NEW Electronic control with buttons and display. D
8 programs. Shop program indicated on display.
WM66A WM66 See WM55A. C
Overview of new/modified types of
washing machines introduced to the
market in 2001
Date: 11.1.2002
Reference: N-Å Carlsson
Group: 21
Page: 1(10)
ASKO Cylinda’s range of washing machines was modified during the autumn of 2001. A brief
overview of the modifications which were carried out follows below.
Further information is given in the product data given below.
washing machine