275 g (10 oz) spaghetti
400 g (14 oz) new
potatoes, cubed
225 g (8 oz) green beans,
120 g (4
½ oz) tub fresh
olive oil, for drizzling
salt and fresh ground black
Pesto Spaghetti
Dish: large bowl
1. Place spaghetti in a large bowl, add 1 litre (1
pt) of boiling
water. Cover, place on base of oven and cook on 1000 W
for 10-13 mins. or until cooked. Drain and keep warm.
2. Place the potatoes in a bowl with 90 ml (6 tbsp) of water,
cover, place on base of oven and cook on 1000 W for 5-6
mins, add the green beans and cook for a further 3-4 mins. or
until tender.
3. Combine the spaghetti and vegetables together with 60ml
(4 tbsps) of the liquid, from the potatoes and beans.
4. Stir in the fresh pesto, season to taste and serve drizzled with
a little olive oil.
225 g (8 oz) mixed dried
pasta i.e. tagliatelle, twists,
½ litre (3 pt) boiling water
15 ml (1 tbsp) oil
3 ml (
½ tsp) salt
25 g (1 oz) butter
100 g (4 oz) mushrooms,
peeled and sliced
198 g (7 oz) can tuna,
40 g (1
½ oz) butter
40 g (1
½ oz) flour
600 ml (1 pt) milk
30 ml (2 tbsp) Dry
Vermouth (optional)
salt & pepper
100 g (4 oz) prawns to
Tuna Pasta Bake
Dish: large bowl, shallow dish, jug
1. Place pasta in large bowl with water with oil and salt. Cover,
place on base of oven and cook on 1000 W for 10-12 mins.
(or Sensor Pasta) or until soft. Leave to stand for 2-3 mins.
2. Place butter in small dish on base of oven and melt on 1000 W
for approx. 45 secs. Add mushrooms and cook on 1000 W
for 3-4 mins. or until soft.
3. To make sauce, melt butter in a jug on base of oven on 1000 W
for 30-40 secs. Stir in flour to make a roux. Gradually
whisk in milk until well combined. Cook on 1000 W for 3-5 mins.
or until smooth and glossy. Stir halfway through
cooking. Add Vermouth and season.
4. Combine pasta, tuna and mushrooms in dish. Pour sauce
over and stir to mix thoroughly. Garnish with prawns.
175 g (6 oz) easycook
brown rice
600 ml (
1 pt) hot chicken
450 g (1 lb) smoked
30 ml (2 tbsp) lemon juice
1 medium onion, chopped
15 ml (1 tbsp) oil
150 ml (
¼ pt) sour cream
15 ml (1 tbsp) curry paste
100 g (4 oz) frozen peas
30 ml (2 tbsp) parsley,
2 hardboiled eggs,
Dish: large casserole, shallow dish, small bowl
1. Place the rice and chicken stock in casserole. Cover, place on
base of oven and cook on 1000 W for 20-25 mins. Or until
2. Place the fish in a shallow dish, sprinkle with lemon juice,
cover place on base of oven and cook on 1000 W for 5-6
mins. or until cooked. Skin and flake.
3. Place onion and oil in a small bowl, cover, place on base of
oven and cook on 1000 W for 3-4 mins. or until softened.
4. Combine sour cream with curry paste. Mix into rice then stir in
flaked fish, onion, peas, parsley, eggs and seasoning. Cover
and cook on 1000 W for 5 mins. until piping hot.
Serves 4
Serves 4
Serves 2
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