Remove the water tank and clean the
compartment where the water tank is
Open the water supply cap, remove the lid
and pipe cap and clean.
Pipe Cap
Ensure it faces downwards
If the pipe cap is difclult to remove, wiggle
from side to side. When re-tting, make sure
that the pipe faces down (see diagram).
1. Clean the water tank at least once a week to prevent build up of limescale.
2. Do not use a dishwasher to clean the water tank or parts of the water tank.
Cleaning the water tank
Ensure that the rubber seal is not inside
out when re-tting. If the seal is not tted
correctly the lid will not close securely and it
will leak.
1. Lightly twist the cover until the far side
2. Continue to twist until the near side
1. Align the slots on the cover with the holes
on the tank.
2. Insert and push down until it clicks.
Clean with a soft sponge in water.
Removing the rubber seal
Removing the front cover
Re-tting the front cover
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