9. For Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8, two or three screens might appear,
depending on whether the AutoRun (AutoPlay) function is enabled or disabled:
a. With AutoRun (AutoPlay) enabled, click Open folder to view files on the
AutoPlay screen and double-click the WD SmartWare application file to display
the Welcome to WD SmartWare screen (see Figure 4 on page 6).
b. With AutoRun (AutoPlay) disabled, open Computer, click to open the My Book
drive listing in Windows Explorer and double-click the WD SmartWare application
file to display the Welcome to WD SmartWare screen (see Figure 4 on page 6).
10. Continue to “Getting Started with the WD SmartWare Software” in the next section.
If you do not want to install the WD SmartWare software, go to “Getting Started
Without the WD SmartWare Software” on page 11 instead.
Getting Started with the WD SmartWare Software
Steps 1 through 4 of the installation procedure install the version of the WD SmartWare
software that you select. Depending on your selection:
1. The What would you like to do? prompt on the Welcome to WD SmartWare screen
provides three options for getting started with the WD SmartWare software:
IF AutoRun (AutoPlay) is . . . on your computer, THEN . . .
Enabled Proceed to step a.
Disabled Skip to step b.
IF you install the . . . AND want to . . . THEN complete steps . . .
Full version of the software, • Run your first backup
• Password protect or
register your drive
5, 6, and 7.
• Skip the backup
• Password protect or
register your drive,
5, 6, and 8.
Drive management version of
the software
• Password protect or
register your drive,
IF you want to install . . . THEN click the . . .
The full version of the WD SmartWare software, with
continuous automatic backup, retrieve, drive lock
password protection, and drive management features and:
• Run your first backup
• Password protect or register your drive
Install WD SmartWare button.
Only the WD SmartWare software drive lock password
protection and drive management features and password
protect or register your drive,
Install Drive Settings button.
The full version of the WD SmartWare software and
retrieve files that you have already backed up to your
My Book drive on another computer,
Retrieve a backup link.