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ICD01 RH-iX0234AWZZ:System Microcomputer (IX0234AW) (2/2)
In this unit, the terminal with asterisk mark (*) is (open) terminal which is not connected to the outside.
Port NamePin No.
64-71 S32-S39 Input/Output Fluorescent charcater display tube (VFD)display controller
Segment output
Dual-purrpose function
S32: High voltage withstand input port PE0
S33: High voltage withstand input port PE1
S34: High voltage withstand input port PE2
S35: High voltage withstand input port PE3
S36: High voltage withstand input port PE4
S37: High voltage withstand input port PE5
S38: High voltage withstand input port PE6
S39: High voltage withstand input port PE7
72 VDD4 — Positive power terninal
73-80 S40-S47 Input/Output Fluorescent charcater display tube (VFD)display controller
(76*-78*) Segment output
Dual-purrpose function
S40: High voltage withstand input port PF0
S41: High voltage withstand input port PF1
S42: High voltage withstand input port PF2
S43: High voltage withstand input port PF3
S44: High voltage withstand input port PF4
S45: High voltage withstand input port PF5
S46: High voltage withstand input port PF6
S47: High voltage withstand input port PF7
81-84 S48-S51 Input/Output Fluorescent charcater display tube (VFD)display controller
Segment output
Dual-purrpose function
S48: High voltage withstand input port PG0
S49: High voltage withstand input port PG1
S50: High voltage withstand input port PG2
S51: High voltage withstand input port PG3
85-88 P00-P03 Input/Output 8-Bit input/output port. Input/output can be specified in 4-bit units.
HOLD release input. Port 0 interrupt input
N channel open output: 15V withstand rating
89 VSS2 — Negative power terninal
90 VDD2 — Positive power terninal
91-94 P04-P07 Input/Output 8-Bit input/output port. Input/output can be specified in 4-bit units.
HOLD release input. Port 0 interrupt input
N channel open output: 15V withstand rating
95-100 P10-P17 Input/Output 8-Bit input/output port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units
Dual-purpose function
P10: SIO0 data output
P11: SIO0 data input input/bus input/output
P12: SIO0 clock input/output
P13: SIO1 data output
P14: SIO1 data input input/bus input/output
P15: SIO1 clock input/output
P16: BUZ output
P17: Timer 1 output (PWM output)