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ICD01 RH-iX0234AWZZ:System Microcomputer (IX0234AW) (1/2)
1-2 P16-P17 Input/Output 8-Bit input/output port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units
(1*,2) Dual-purpose function
P16: BUZ output
P17: Timer 1 output (PWM output)
3-10 P30-37 Input/Output 8-Bit input/output port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units
(5*-7*) Dual-purpose function
Nchannel open output: 15V withstand rating
11 P70 Input/Output 4-Bit input/output port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units.
2-Bit input port. Dual-purpose functio
P70: INT0 input/HOLD release input/Nch-Tr. Output for watchdog timer
12 RES Input Reset terminal
13 XT1/P74 Input Input terminal for 32.768 KHz crystal oscillator
Connected to VDD when not used
Dual-purrpose function
General-purpose input port P74
14 XT2/P75 Output Output terminal for 32.768 KHz crystal oscillator
Dual-purrpose function
General-purpose input port P75
When not use. (Oscillatication specification) Open. (Port specification) Connect to VDD1.
15 VSS1 — Negative power terninal
16 CF1 Input Intput terminal for ceramic oscillator
17 CF2 Output Output terminal for ceramic oscillator
18 VDD1 — Positive power terninal
19-22 P80-P83 Input 4-Bit input/output port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units.
4-Bit input port. Dual-purrpose function
AD input port (8 pcs.)
23-27 P84-P87 Input 4-Bit input/output port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units.
4-Bit input port. Dual-purrpose function
AD input port (8 pcs.)
27-29 P71-73 Input 4-Bit input/output port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units.
4-Bit input port. Dual-purrpose function
P71: INT1 input/HOLD release input
P72: INT2 input/timer 0 event input
P73: INT3 input (input with noise filter)/ timer 0 event input
30-36 S0/T0- Output Fluorescent charcater display tube (VFD)display controller
(30*-32*) S6/T6 Segment/timing shared output
37-45 S7/T7- Input/OUtput Fluorescent charcater display tube (VFD)display controller
S15/T15 Segment/timing shared output
Pull-down resistance built-in output
46 VDD3 — Positive power terninal
47-50 S16-S20 Input/Output Fluorescent charcater display tube (VFD)display controller
Segment output
Dual-purrpose function
S16: High voltage withstand input port PC0
S17: High voltage withstand input port PC1
S18: High voltage withstand input port PC2
S19: High voltage withstand input port PC3
S20: High voltage withstand input port PC4
51 VP — Negative power terminal (Independent power supply only for fluorescent character display tube
drive output)
(Power supply for pull-dowen resistores)
52-63 S21-S31 Input/Output Fluorescent charcater display tube (VFD)display controller
Segment output
Dual-purrpose function
S21: High voltage withstand input port PC5
S22: High voltage withstand input port PC6
S23: High voltage withstand input port PC7
S24: High voltage withstand input port PD0
S25: High voltage withstand input port PD1
S26: High voltage withstand input port PD2
S27: High voltage withstand input port PD3
S28: High voltage withstand input port PD4
S29: High voltage withstand input port PD5
S30: High voltage withstand input port PD6
S31: High voltage withstand input port PD7
Port NamePin No.
In this unit, the terminal with asterisk mark (*) is (open) terminal which is not connected to the outside.