Aaltonen Pamela Nursing Faculty 129,506
Aaron Charles CtrforEnvironmenta Mgmt/Prof 47,025
Abbott Tristan English GraduateStudent 20,425
Abbott Jennifer 4Exploratory Admin/Prof 35,188
Abbott Angela CollegeofHealthan Mgmt/Prof 109,510
Abbott Philip AgriculturalEconomi Faculty 149,790
AbbouOucherif Kaoutar ChemicalEngineering GraduateStudent 29,250
AbdelMoniem HossamElDien Entomology GraduateStudent 25,109
Abdou Sally FinancialAffairs,E Admin/Prof 41,702
Abel Christine Libraries Operations/Technical 32,382
Abel Steven DepartmentofPharma Faculty 211,945
Abell Bradley Physics GraduateStudent 25,091
Abeysiriwardana Suneetha BuildingServices Service 20,617
Abney Andrew Aeronautics&Astron GraduateStudent 25,476
Abraham John MechanicalEngineeri Faculty 74,037
Abraham Dulcy CivilEngineering Faculty 115,980
Abrahamson Kathleen Nursing Faculty 62,335
Abt Luke BuildingServices Service 24,043
Abt Skye Grounds Service 24,709
Abu-omar Mahdi Chemistry Faculty 164,713
Acharya Lalatendu 4ConsSci Faculty 91,906
Ackerman Margaret PurdueMemorialUnio Service 28,275
Acosta RenePaul 4EAPS GraduateStudent 22,417
Acosta Glen BasicMedicalScienc GraduateStudent 25,881
Acosta-Roberts Guadalupe LiberalArtsCounsel Admin/Prof 48,902
Adam Christopher OfficeofMarketing Admin/Prof 50,202
Adamo-Villani Nicoletta ComputerGraphicsTe Faculty 120,836
Adams Natalie KokomoStatewideTec Admin/Prof 20,875
Adams Dorothy SchoolofManagement Clerical 26,469
Adams Mackenzie VeterinaryClinical GraduateStudent 31,750
Adams Amanda 4PMUDining Mgmt/Prof 62,881
Adams Eric AgricultureInformat Admin/Prof 81,251
Adams Keith NEESCommCenter Mgmt/Prof 89,293
Adams Robin EngineeringEducatio Faculty 121,857
Adams George NetworkforComputat Mgmt/Prof 137,993
Adams Larry VeterinaryClinical Faculty 138,172
Adams Stephen VeterinaryClinical Faculty 158,912
Adcock Benjamin Mathematics Faculty 108,129
Addae-Mensah Evelyn Speech,Languageand Admin/Prof 49,971
Addison David FieldExtensionEduc Admin/Prof 64,842
AddoQuaye Charles HorticultureandLan PostDocInternRes 42,186
Ade Carla 4WileyDine Service 21,208
Adebesin Funmilayo Biochemistry GraduateStudent 23,400
Adedokun Sunday AnimalSciences Admin/Prof 40,465
Adedokun Omolola DiscoveryLearningC Admin/Prof 57,051
Adelman Steven Chemistry Faculty 40,963
Adeniyi Adedayo VicePresidentforH Mgmt/Prof 107,200
Adeola Mopelola Nursing Clin,Res,orNonTT 74,985
Adeola Olayiwola AnimalSciences Faculty 125,671
Adigun Oluwamayowa CollegeofEngrAdmi GraduateStudent 27,862
Adler Howard SchoolofHospitalit Faculty 123,737
Afra Reza Physics GraduateStudent 25,091
Afzal Shehzad Electrical&Compute GraduateStudent 22,500
Agarwal Pulkit Agricultural&Biolo GraduateStudent 20,510
Agarwal Rachna BiologicalSciences PostDocInternRes 39,595
Agbelie Bismark CivilEngineering PostDocInternRes 26,027
Agee Ernest 4EAPS Faculty 174,158
Aghazadeh Mahdieh Agricultural&Biolo GraduateStudent 34,951
Agim Zeynep HealthSciences GraduateStudent 22,958
Agnew Jeremy IntercollegiateAthl Admin/Prof 50,572
Agnew Christopher PsychologicalScienc Faculty 194,289
Agrawal Shubham CivilEngineering GraduateStudent 22,100
Agrawal Neha Chemistry GraduateStudent 23,151
Agrawal Rakesh ChemicalEngineering Faculty 357,533
Aguiar Angel AgriculturalEconomi Admin/Prof 53,201
Aguilar Claudia BiologicalSciences Operations/Technical 34,495
Aguilar Ruben BiologicalSciences Faculty 100,965
Ahasteen-Bryant Felica NativeAmericanCult Mgmt/Prof 68,890
Ahiablame Laurent Agricultural&Biolo PostDocInternRes 27,732
Ahlen Donna CollegeofEngrAdmi Admin/Prof 58,700
Ahlen Lon 4ITIS Admin/Prof 68,910
Ahlersmeyer Frederick WileyResidenceHall Admin/Prof 53,195
Ahlersmeyer Suzanne ITTeaching&Learni Admin/Prof 59,275
Ahmad Ziad Electrical&Compute GraduateStudent 21,000
Ahmadi Lida Mathematics GraduateStudent 20,271
Ahmed Yousra CivilEngineering GraduateStudent 20,005
Ahmed Karim NuclearEngineering GraduateStudent 22,951
Ahmed Azza Nursing Faculty 90,448
Ahn Sungwon Mathematics GraduateStudent 20,321
Ahn Hyung CivilEngineering GraduateStudent 20,400
Ahn KukHyun CivilEngineering GraduateStudent 22,200
Ahn Sanghyung CivilEngineering GraduateStudent 22,200
Ahn Benjamin EngineeringEducatio GraduateStudent 28,800
Aikens Kurt Aeronautics&Astron GraduateStudent 25,200
Ailor Wendi 4012 Mgmt/Prof 63,835
Aime Mary BotanyandPlantPat Faculty 97,074
Ainslie Paul OfficeofEngagement Mgmt/Prof 106,359
Ajagu Sara DeanofStudents Admin/Prof 55,038
Ajuwon Kolapo AnimalSciences Faculty 88,995
Akasapu SuryaB.B. Chemistry GraduateStudent 22,712
Akatay Mehmed ChemicalEngineering Temp.Cler/Serv 25,200
Ake Carolyn PhysicalFacilities Clerical 26,559
Akers Sally ThePharmacy-PU Service 31,523
Akers Douglas FieldExtensionEduc Mgmt/Prof 52,133
Akers Jean FieldExtensionEduc Admin/Prof 59,946
Akers Aaron BuildingSystems Service 60,802
Akey Elizabeth Psych.Scienc Clin,Res,orNonTT 48,538
Akgul Zeynep AgriculturalEconomi GraduateStudent 22,049
Akridge Jennifer DiscoveryParkAdmin Clerical 21,763
Akridge Doug DivisionofRecreati Service 21,887
Akridge Jay CollegeofAgricultu Faculty 250,868
Alabi Oluwatosin Comp.andInform. GraduateStudent 20,418
Alabi Oyeleye Chemistry GraduateStudent 23,308
Alagoz Enver Physics PostDocInternRes 25,640
Alam Muhammad Electrical&Compute Faculty 214,960
Albert Kendrick OfficeofTheIndian Admin/Prof 46,019
Alberts Patricia DeanofStudents Clerical 22,993
Alberts Erik Chemistry GraduateStudent 23,373
Alberts Samantha Aeronautics&Astron GraduateStudent 26,504
Albors Gabriel BiomedicalEngineeri Admin/Prof 72,167
Albrecht Adrienne SchoolofManagement Admin/Prof 32,051
Albrecht Jill Technology,Leadersh Clerical 38,504
Albrecht Barbara OfficeofProfession Operations/Technical 39,851
Albrecht Robert AnimalSciences Mgmt/Prof 84,070
Albregts Louann AnimalDiseaseDiagn Clerical 22,486
Albright Angela DepartmentofFoodS Operations/Technical 35,516
Alder Ricky Heat&PowerAdminis Operations/Technical 83,866
Alder Barbara OfficeofEngagement Mgmt/Prof 92,964
Alderson Alice FieldExtensionEduc Admin/Prof 47,653
Aldrich Robert Operations&Mainten Service 33,675
Aldrich Daniel PoliticalScience Faculty 81,417
Aldridge Nancy CollegeofAgricultu Operations/Technical 36,019
Aldridge Debra CurriculumandInstr Operations/Technical 39,161
Aldridge Erin BusinessOfficeTech Admin/Prof 45,376
Aldridge Linda FieldExtensionEduc Mgmt/Prof 104,845
Alenskis Brian RichmondStatewideT Faculty 82,700
Alexander Corey Grounds Service 32,628
Alexander Meghan AgriculturalEconomi Admin/Prof 57,409
Alexander Holly 4ParkFacWL Mgmt/Prof 75,285
Alexander Joshua Speech,Languageand Faculty 100,471
Alexander Corinne AgriculturalEconomi Faculty 134,182
Alexandrova Maria NutritionScience PostDocInternRes 26,864
Alexeenko Alina Aeronautics&Astron Faculty 135,773
AlfaroMurillo JorgeArturo Mathematics GraduateStudent 20,331
Alge Bradley DepartmentofManage Faculty 198,530
Ali Hadi EngineeringEducatio GraduateStudent 22,608
Aliaga Daniel ComputerScience Faculty 152,256
Aliprantis Dionysios Electrical&Compute Faculty 63,043
Alkhalili Sereen BasicMedicalScienc GraduateStudent 20,284
Alkire Rebecca PurdueUniversitySt Clerical 25,782
Alkire Ben OfficeofTheIndian Service 29,611
Alkire Mark OfficeofTheIndian Admin/Prof 36,363
Alkire Catherine Grounds Service 39,983
All Jeffrey IntercollegiateAthl Service 25,849
Allain Monica BirckNanotechnology Mgmt/Prof 29,674
Allain Jean NuclearEngineering Faculty 94,998
Allebach Jan Electrical&Compute Faculty 303,436
Allen Matthew OralEnglishProfici GraduateStudent 20,146
Allen Wesley Electrical&Compute GraduateStudent 20,700
Allen Cynthia WindsorResidenceHa Service 21,242
Allen Malissa DepartmentofFoodS Clerical 30,538
Allen Charles PECDean’sOffice Service 34,753
Allen Zachary EngineeringComputer Operations/Technical 35,483
Allen Michael 4MMD Service 36,547
Allen Joanna DiscoveryParkAdmin Operations/Technical 39,094
Allen Karen SchoolofManagement Clerical 43,475
Allen Robert AviationTechnology Service 44,866
Allen Jacqueline PhysicalFacilities Admin/Prof 49,872
Allen Paige 4012 Admin/Prof 52,879
Allen Richard AviationTechnology Service 53,266
Allen David OfficeofMarketing Admin/Prof 53,737
Allen Kathy BusinessOfficeVete Admin/Prof 57,801
Allen Robert FieldExtensionEduc Mgmt/Prof 59,308
Allen Emily HonorsCollege Faculty 106,641
Allert Beate SchoolofLanguages Faculty 75,465
Allhands Judith 4ITIS Operations/Technical 67,545
Last Name First Name Department Employment Type Compensation
The Exponent’s 2013 Purdue Salary Guide
Editor’s note: This year’s salary
guide differs from previous years
in that the salaries are based on
total compensation and the list only
contains Purdue employees who
eaned $20,000 or more.
A difference in salary can be found
based on the gender among department
Page 4
Purdue’s average faculty salary is lower
than most peer institutions.
Page 4
More salary guide
coverage can be
found within the
regular issue of
today’s Exponent.