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Dil Kodu: en5 Alamo Brand's Products
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Aaltonen Pamela Nursing Faculty 129,506
Aaron Charles CtrforEnvironmenta Mgmt/Prof 47,025
Abbott Tristan English GraduateStudent 20,425
Abbott Jennifer 4Exploratory Admin/Prof 35,188
Abbott Angela CollegeofHealthan Mgmt/Prof 109,510
Abbott Philip AgriculturalEconomi Faculty 149,790
AbbouOucherif Kaoutar ChemicalEngineering GraduateStudent 29,250
AbdelMoniem HossamElDien Entomology GraduateStudent 25,109
Abdou Sally FinancialAffairs,E Admin/Prof 41,702
Abel Christine Libraries Operations/Technical 32,382
Abel Steven DepartmentofPharma Faculty 211,945
Abell Bradley Physics GraduateStudent 25,091
Abeysiriwardana Suneetha BuildingServices Service 20,617
Abney Andrew Aeronautics&Astron GraduateStudent 25,476
Abraham John MechanicalEngineeri Faculty 74,037
Abraham Dulcy CivilEngineering Faculty 115,980
Abrahamson Kathleen Nursing Faculty 62,335
Abt Luke BuildingServices Service 24,043
Abt Skye Grounds Service 24,709
Abu-omar Mahdi Chemistry Faculty 164,713
Acharya Lalatendu 4ConsSci Faculty 91,906
Ackerman Margaret PurdueMemorialUnio Service 28,275
Acosta RenePaul 4EAPS GraduateStudent 22,417
Acosta Glen BasicMedicalScienc GraduateStudent 25,881
Acosta-Roberts Guadalupe LiberalArtsCounsel Admin/Prof 48,902
Adam Christopher OfficeofMarketing Admin/Prof 50,202
Adamo-Villani Nicoletta ComputerGraphicsTe Faculty 120,836
Adams Natalie KokomoStatewideTec Admin/Prof 20,875
Adams Dorothy SchoolofManagement Clerical 26,469
Adams Mackenzie VeterinaryClinical GraduateStudent 31,750
Adams Amanda 4PMUDining Mgmt/Prof 62,881
Adams Eric AgricultureInformat Admin/Prof 81,251
Adams Keith NEESCommCenter Mgmt/Prof 89,293
Adams Robin EngineeringEducatio Faculty 121,857
Adams George NetworkforComputat Mgmt/Prof 137,993
Adams Larry VeterinaryClinical Faculty 138,172
Adams Stephen VeterinaryClinical Faculty 158,912
Adcock Benjamin Mathematics Faculty 108,129
Addae-Mensah Evelyn Speech,Languageand Admin/Prof 49,971
Addison David FieldExtensionEduc Admin/Prof 64,842
AddoQuaye Charles HorticultureandLan PostDocInternRes 42,186
Ade Carla 4WileyDine Service 21,208
Adebesin Funmilayo Biochemistry GraduateStudent 23,400
Adedokun Sunday AnimalSciences Admin/Prof 40,465
Adedokun Omolola DiscoveryLearningC Admin/Prof 57,051
Adelman Steven Chemistry Faculty 40,963
Adeniyi Adedayo VicePresidentforH Mgmt/Prof 107,200
Adeola Mopelola Nursing Clin,Res,orNonTT 74,985
Adeola Olayiwola AnimalSciences Faculty 125,671
Adigun Oluwamayowa CollegeofEngrAdmi GraduateStudent 27,862
Adler Howard SchoolofHospitalit Faculty 123,737
Afra Reza Physics GraduateStudent 25,091
Afzal Shehzad Electrical&Compute GraduateStudent 22,500
Agarwal Pulkit Agricultural&Biolo GraduateStudent 20,510
Agarwal Rachna BiologicalSciences PostDocInternRes 39,595
Agbelie Bismark CivilEngineering PostDocInternRes 26,027
Agee Ernest 4EAPS Faculty 174,158
Aghazadeh Mahdieh Agricultural&Biolo GraduateStudent 34,951
Agim Zeynep HealthSciences GraduateStudent 22,958
Agnew Jeremy IntercollegiateAthl Admin/Prof 50,572
Agnew Christopher PsychologicalScienc Faculty 194,289
Agrawal Shubham CivilEngineering GraduateStudent 22,100
Agrawal Neha Chemistry GraduateStudent 23,151
Agrawal Rakesh ChemicalEngineering Faculty 357,533
Aguiar Angel AgriculturalEconomi Admin/Prof 53,201
Aguilar Claudia BiologicalSciences Operations/Technical 34,495
Aguilar Ruben BiologicalSciences Faculty 100,965
Ahasteen-Bryant Felica NativeAmericanCult Mgmt/Prof 68,890
Ahiablame Laurent Agricultural&Biolo PostDocInternRes 27,732
Ahlen Donna CollegeofEngrAdmi Admin/Prof 58,700
Ahlen Lon 4ITIS Admin/Prof 68,910
Ahlersmeyer Frederick WileyResidenceHall Admin/Prof 53,195
Ahlersmeyer Suzanne ITTeaching&Learni Admin/Prof 59,275
Ahmad Ziad Electrical&Compute GraduateStudent 21,000
Ahmadi Lida Mathematics GraduateStudent 20,271
Ahmed Yousra CivilEngineering GraduateStudent 20,005
Ahmed Karim NuclearEngineering GraduateStudent 22,951
Ahmed Azza Nursing Faculty 90,448
Ahn Sungwon Mathematics GraduateStudent 20,321
Ahn Hyung CivilEngineering GraduateStudent 20,400
Ahn KukHyun CivilEngineering GraduateStudent 22,200
Ahn Sanghyung CivilEngineering GraduateStudent 22,200
Ahn Benjamin EngineeringEducatio GraduateStudent 28,800
Aikens Kurt Aeronautics&Astron GraduateStudent 25,200
Ailor Wendi 4012 Mgmt/Prof 63,835
Aime Mary BotanyandPlantPat Faculty 97,074
Ainslie Paul OfficeofEngagement Mgmt/Prof 106,359
Ajagu Sara DeanofStudents Admin/Prof 55,038
Ajuwon Kolapo AnimalSciences Faculty 88,995
Akasapu SuryaB.B. Chemistry GraduateStudent 22,712
Akatay Mehmed ChemicalEngineering Temp.Cler/Serv 25,200
Ake Carolyn PhysicalFacilities Clerical 26,559
Akers Sally ThePharmacy-PU Service 31,523
Akers Douglas FieldExtensionEduc Mgmt/Prof 52,133
Akers Jean FieldExtensionEduc Admin/Prof 59,946
Akers Aaron BuildingSystems Service 60,802
Akey Elizabeth Psych.Scienc Clin,Res,orNonTT 48,538
Akgul Zeynep AgriculturalEconomi GraduateStudent 22,049
Akridge Jennifer DiscoveryParkAdmin Clerical 21,763
Akridge Doug DivisionofRecreati Service 21,887
Akridge Jay CollegeofAgricultu Faculty 250,868
Alabi Oluwatosin Comp.andInform. GraduateStudent 20,418
Alabi Oyeleye Chemistry GraduateStudent 23,308
Alagoz Enver Physics PostDocInternRes 25,640
Alam Muhammad Electrical&Compute Faculty 214,960
Albert Kendrick OfficeofTheIndian Admin/Prof 46,019
Alberts Patricia DeanofStudents Clerical 22,993
Alberts Erik Chemistry GraduateStudent 23,373
Alberts Samantha Aeronautics&Astron GraduateStudent 26,504
Albors Gabriel BiomedicalEngineeri Admin/Prof 72,167
Albrecht Adrienne SchoolofManagement Admin/Prof 32,051
Albrecht Jill Technology,Leadersh Clerical 38,504
Albrecht Barbara OfficeofProfession Operations/Technical 39,851
Albrecht Robert AnimalSciences Mgmt/Prof 84,070
Albregts Louann AnimalDiseaseDiagn Clerical 22,486
Albright Angela DepartmentofFoodS Operations/Technical 35,516
Alder Ricky Heat&PowerAdminis Operations/Technical 83,866
Alder Barbara OfficeofEngagement Mgmt/Prof 92,964
Alderson Alice FieldExtensionEduc Admin/Prof 47,653
Aldrich Robert Operations&Mainten Service 33,675
Aldrich Daniel PoliticalScience Faculty 81,417
Aldridge Nancy CollegeofAgricultu Operations/Technical 36,019
Aldridge Debra CurriculumandInstr Operations/Technical 39,161
Aldridge Erin BusinessOfficeTech Admin/Prof 45,376
Aldridge Linda FieldExtensionEduc Mgmt/Prof 104,845
Alenskis Brian RichmondStatewideT Faculty 82,700
Alexander Corey Grounds Service 32,628
Alexander Meghan AgriculturalEconomi Admin/Prof 57,409
Alexander Holly 4ParkFacWL Mgmt/Prof 75,285
Alexander Joshua Speech,Languageand Faculty 100,471
Alexander Corinne AgriculturalEconomi Faculty 134,182
Alexandrova Maria NutritionScience PostDocInternRes 26,864
Alexeenko Alina Aeronautics&Astron Faculty 135,773
AlfaroMurillo JorgeArturo Mathematics GraduateStudent 20,331
Alge Bradley DepartmentofManage Faculty 198,530
Ali Hadi EngineeringEducatio GraduateStudent 22,608
Aliaga Daniel ComputerScience Faculty 152,256
Aliprantis Dionysios Electrical&Compute Faculty 63,043
Alkhalili Sereen BasicMedicalScienc GraduateStudent 20,284
Alkire Rebecca PurdueUniversitySt Clerical 25,782
Alkire Ben OfficeofTheIndian Service 29,611
Alkire Mark OfficeofTheIndian Admin/Prof 36,363
Alkire Catherine Grounds Service 39,983
All Jeffrey IntercollegiateAthl Service 25,849
Allain Monica BirckNanotechnology Mgmt/Prof 29,674
Allain Jean NuclearEngineering Faculty 94,998
Allebach Jan Electrical&Compute Faculty 303,436
Allen Matthew OralEnglishProfici GraduateStudent 20,146
Allen Wesley Electrical&Compute GraduateStudent 20,700
Allen Cynthia WindsorResidenceHa Service 21,242
Allen Malissa DepartmentofFoodS Clerical 30,538
Allen Charles PECDean’sOffice Service 34,753
Allen Zachary EngineeringComputer Operations/Technical 35,483
Allen Michael 4MMD Service 36,547
Allen Joanna DiscoveryParkAdmin Operations/Technical 39,094
Allen Karen SchoolofManagement Clerical 43,475
Allen Robert AviationTechnology Service 44,866
Allen Jacqueline PhysicalFacilities Admin/Prof 49,872
Allen Paige 4012 Admin/Prof 52,879
Allen Richard AviationTechnology Service 53,266
Allen David OfficeofMarketing Admin/Prof 53,737
Allen Kathy BusinessOfficeVete Admin/Prof 57,801
Allen Robert FieldExtensionEduc Mgmt/Prof 59,308
Allen Emily HonorsCollege Faculty 106,641
Allert Beate SchoolofLanguages Faculty 75,465
Allhands Judith 4ITIS Operations/Technical 67,545
Last Name First Name Department Employment Type Compensation
The Exponent’s 2013 Purdue Salary Guide
Editor’s note: This year’s salary
guide differs from previous years
in that the salaries are based on
total compensation and the list only
contains Purdue employees who
eaned $20,000 or more.
A difference in salary can be found
based on the gender among department
Page 4
Purdue’s average faculty salary is lower
than most peer institutions.
Page 4
More salary guide
coverage can be
found within the
regular issue of
today’s Exponent.