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Chapter 1
Product Overview
Ocean Optics has taken Java-based spectroscopy software to the next level with OceanView. This next
logical step in the evolution of spectrometer software provides good stability, persistence of user settings,
a broad scope of device features, and consistent file saving and loading procedures.
OceanView operates on 32- and 64-bit Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems. The software
can control any Ocean Optics USB spectrometer.
USB Spectrometer and Device Control
OceanView easily manages multiple USB spectrometers – each with different acquisition parameters – in
multiple windows, and provides graphical and numeric representation of spectra from each spectrometer.
Using OceanView, you can combine data from multiple sources for applications that include
upwelling/downwelling measurements, dual-beam referencing and process monitoring.
OceanView can be used with the following Ocean Optics spectrometers when they are interfacing to a
computer through their USB port:
• Apex 785 Raman Spectrometer
• HR2000 High-resolution Spectrometer
• HR2000+High-resolution Spectrometer
• HR4000 High-resolution Spectrometer
• Jaz System
• Maya 2000 and Maya2000-Pro Spectrometers
• NIR-512 Near-IR Spectrometer
• NIR256-2.1 and NIR256-2.5 Near-IR Spectrometers
• NIRQuest512, 512-2.2 and 512-2.5 Near-IR Spectrometers
• NIRQuest256-2.1 and 256-2.5 Near-IR Spectrometers
• QE65000 Scientific-grade Spectrometer
• QE65 Pro Scientific-grade Spectrometer
• QE Pro Spectrometer