1: Introduction
2 000-20000-300-02-201312
• STS Micro Spectrometers
• Torus Spectrometer
• USB650 Spectrometer
• USB2000 Spectrometer
• USB2000+ Spectrometer
• USB2000-FLG Spectrometer
• USB4000 Spectrometer
• Ventana High Sensitivity Spectrometers
OceanView also supports the following USB devices:
• ADC1000-USB A/D Converter
• USB-AOUT Analog Output Module
• Customizable user-interface that allows you to choose what data you want to display and which
items to display on the toolbars and menus.
• Persistence of user settings including:
- File locations
- Acquisition parameters
- Menu settings (hiding/showing of menu items)
- Graph view customization
• Capability of manually saving experiment settings (source, processing type, acquisition parameters,
data view customization) and reloading them again later.
• Ability to perform specialized calculations on spectral and other measurement data, including:
- Derivatives and integrals of spectral data
- Spectral arithmetic
- Ratiometric on the same spectrum or between 2 different spectra
- Interpolation, subsetting and concatenation of a spectrum
• Support of the following experiments/processing modes:
- Quick View (formerly Scope Mode)
- Quick View Minus Background
- Absorbance
- Reflection
- Fluorescence
- Transmission
- Raman