Apex Data Sheet
892-00000-000-05-201302 5
Apex CCD Device structure (64 active vertical pixels and 2048 active horizontal pixels)
Apex USB Port Interface Communications and
Control Information
The Apex is a microcontroller-based Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer that can communicate via the
Universal Serial Bus. This section contains the necessary command information for controlling the
Apex via the USB interface. This information is only pertinent to users who wish to not utilize Ocean
Optics 32 bit driver to interface to the Apex. Only experienced USB programmers should attempt to
interface to the Apex via these methods.
Hardware Description
The Apex utilizes a Cypress CY7C68013A microcontroller that has a high speed 8051 combined with
an USB2.0 ASIC. Program code and data coefficients are stored in external E
PROM that are loaded
at boot-up via the I
C bus. The microcontroller has 8K of internal RAM and 64K of external SRAM.
Maximum throughput for spectral data is achieved when data flows directly from the external FIFO’s
directly across the USB bus. In this mode the 8051 does not have access to the data and thus no
manipulation of the data is possible.
USB Info
Ocean Optics Vendor ID number is 0x2457 and the Product ID is 0x1044.