Apex Data Sheet
4 892-00000-000-05-201302
Apex 785 – Right Side
Apex Spectrometer Detector
The Apex contains a Hamamatsu S11510-1106 two-dimensional CCD. The Apex electronics only
support reading out the device as a 1-D array (e.g., all rows are summed together on chip). The
structure of the Apex spectrometer Hamamatsu CCD is shown below. The device has 2048 x 64 active
pixels and a total of 2068 x 70 pixels.
Pixel Definition
The following is a description of all of the pixels:
Apex Pixels
Pixel Description
0 Unusable
1–3 Dark
4–9 Bevels/unusable
10–2057 Spectrum
2058–2063 Bevels/unusable
2064–2067 Dark