The module is dependant on MP3::Info and mod_perl, both of which are available on CPAN.
After downloading the files needed a read of the README will help things!
Firstly make the module, then make the config changes to Apache's config files (your changes may be made
in either httpd.conf or srm.conf).
You will also have to create directories for icons and a directory hierarchy for MP3's.
Section 6 of the README details the editing (or creation) of a Perl config file.
This is to preload the MP3::Info module which without this may cause Apache to crash.
In httpd.conf create an entry like so:
Perlrequire /etc/httpd/conf/startup.perl
Alter the /etc/httpd/conf reference to point to where your Apache config files are located on your system.
Now create the file startup.perl at the location specified above. At the very minimum you should have the
following (again adjust the path of perl to fit your system).
[dj@megajukebox conf]$ cat /etc/httpd/conf/startup.perl
use MP3::Info();
Then restart Apache and point a web browser at one of your new MP3 directories :)
There is more documentation available on Apache::MP3, from the command−line run the following:
[dj@megajukebox conf]$ perldoc Apache::MP3
11.5 Firewall Bypassing
A large portion of companies and institutions now use firewalls to block users from connecting to certain
ports on remote servers.
A way to bypass this is to run your MP3 server using port 80. You will not be able to run a webserver on the
same URL or IP address.
When running Icecast in 'firewall bypass' mode you will need to start shout with the option to set the port to
port 80, like so:
The Linux MP3−HOWTO
11.5 Firewall Bypassing 31