[dj@megajukebox]$ litestream 5000 megajukebox 5555 1000 LitestreamServer
Ok, so that's the server system. Once started it sit's there waiting for an input to be connected, which is done
with the source command.
The format is like so:
source <ip or hostname> <port> <name> <genre> <url> <irc> <icq> <aim> <public? (0, 1)> <reported bitrate (16, 18, 56, 128, etc.)> <playlist.txt> <log ident>
Below is the list of options for source.
ip or hostname is the hostname or IP address of the computer running Litestream Server.
port is the port on which Litestream Server is waiting for a streaming source.
name is the name of your stream.
genre is the genre of your stream.
url is the URL for your streams web page.
irc is the IRC channel for your stream.
icq is your ICQ ID.
aim is your AIM ID.
public is either 0 or 1. 0 for private, 1 for public.
reported bitrate is the stream bitrate which will be reported to the YP server. This does not necessarily reflect
the actual bitrate of your stream.
playlist.txt is the name of the file containing your playlist.
log ident is the syslog identifier which will be prepended to each log message generated by Litestream
Streaming Source.
Here is an example which would match the Litestream command earlier:
[dj@megajukebox]$ source megakukebox 5000 'Megajukebox The best jukebox ever' Various http://www.megajukebox.com \#megajukebox 0 N/A 1 128 /jukebox/playlist LitestreamSource
11.4 Apache::MP3 Module
The Apache:MP3 module allows the Apache WebServer to stream MP3's. It does not offer the same level of
features as Fluid, Litestream & Icecast.
The Linux MP3−HOWTO
11.4 Apache::MP3 Module 30