If you wanted to use Lame or Gogo, replace the encoder line with:
$enc = system("lame /mp3/cdda.wav $track −b 256");
$enc = system("gogo /mp3/cdda.wav $track −b 256");
Here is a dump of the available option for each of the encoders.
BladeEnc 0.91 (c) Tord Jansson Homepage: http://bladeenc.mp3.no
BladeEnc is free software, distributed under the Lesser General Public License.
See the file COPYING, BladeEnc's homepage or www.fsf.org for more details.
Usage: bladeenc [global switches] input1 [output1 [switches]] input2 ...
General switches:
−[kbit], −br [kbit] Set MP3 bitrate. Default is 128 (64 for mono output).
−crc Include checksum data in MP3 file.
−delete, −del Delete sample after successful encoding.
−private, −p Set the private−flag in the output file.
−copyright, −c Set the copyright−flag in the output file.
−copy Clears the original−flag in the output file.
−mono, −dm Produce mono MP3 files by combining stereo channels.
−leftmono, −lm Produce mono MP3 files from left stereo channel only.
−rightmono, −rm Produce mono MP3 files from right stereo channel only.
−swap Swap left and right stereo channels.
−rawfreq=[freq] Specify frequency for RAW samples. Default is 44100.
−rawbits=[bits] Specify bits per channel for RAW samples. Default is 16.
−rawmono Specifies that RAW samples are in mono, not stereo.
−rawstereo Specifies that RAW samples are in stereo (default).
−rawsigned Specifies that RAW samples are signed (default).
−rawunsigned Specifies that RAW samples are unsigned.
−rawbyteorder=[order]Specifies byteorder for RAW samples, LITTLE or BIG.
−rawchannels=[1/2] Specifies number of channels for RAW samples. Does
the same as −rawmono and −rawstereo respectively.
Global only switches:
−quit, −q Quit without waiting for keypress when finished.
−outdir=[dir] Save MP3 files in specified directory.
−quiet Disable screen output.
−nocfg Don't take settings from the config−file.
−prio=[prio] Sets the task priority for BladeEnc. Valid settings are
−refresh=[rate] Refresh rate for progress indicator. 1=fastest, 2=def.
−progress=[0−8] Which progress indicator to use. 0=Off, 1=Default.
Input/output files can be replaced with STDIN and STDOUT respectively.
The Linux MP3−HOWTO
10.1 Command Line encoding 16