It is important to periodically monitor the operation of the
catalyst to ensure that it is functioning properly and to
determine when it needs to be replaced. A non-function-
ing catalyst will result in a loss of heating efficiency, and
an increase in creosote and emissions.
Catalysts should be visually inspected at least three
times during the heating season to determine if physical
degradation has occurred. Actual removal of the catalyst
is not recommended unless a more detailed inspection is
needed because of a noticeable decrease in perform-
You can get an indication of whether the catalyst is work-
ing by comparing the amount of smoke leaving the chim-
ney when the smoke is going through the chimney after
light-off has been achieved, to the amount of smoke
leaving the chimney when the bypass damper is open:
1. Light the fire in accordance with the instructions
under lighting. After the fireplace is warm, set the
manual control (and the thermostat, if this option is
installed) to low.
2. With the bypass damper closed, the smoke is routed
through the catalyst. Go outside and observe the
emissions leaving the chimney.
3. Open the bypass damper and again observe the
emissions leaving the chimney.
Significantly more smoke should be seen when the
exhaust is not routed through the catalyst, i.e., with the
bypass damper open. Be careful not to confuse smoke
with steam from wet wood.
The catalytic combustor is self-cleaning, and requires
very little maintenance. Any loose ash should be
removed with a paintbrush. If the catalyst is plugged with
creosote, you may try burning it off by leaving the bypass
damper in a partially open position and pushing the draft
control all the way to the right. You may also burn off the
excess creosote with a propane torch.
WARNING: Do not use sharp or hard tools to clean
the catalytic combustor as this will damage it.
Catalyst removal and replacement
1. Remove the screws holding the brackets, one on
each side of the catalyst.
2. Carefully ease out the catalyst, using a knife blade if
it is tight.
3. Replace the catalyst the same way it was removed. If
the gasket is loose, re-cement it to the outside using
a silicone adhesive. A damaged gasket should be
replaced with 3M “Interam” 1/16” x 2” x 36”.
Check local codes concerning restrictions and installa-
tion requirements in your area.
WARNING: Remove the doors before installation and
place them in a safe area to reduce the possibility of:
a) Vandalism ;
b) Sub-trade tool abrasion, chipping, or breaking of
glass ;
c) Gold finish damage because of muriatic acid, plaster,
cement, paint and harmful sprays or liquids.
Your Opel AP fireplace may be installed in many different
ways (see Figure 4) without any special floor reinforce-
WARNING: If this fireplace is not properly installed, a
house fire may result. For your safety, follow the
installation directions and clearances.
1. Note the location of roof and floor joists. Choose a
location that does not require cutting them.
2. Do not build shelves or cupboards in the area above
the fireplace. This space must be kept empty.
3. If at all possible, run the chimney up the inside of the
house. If it must be run up outside, it should be
enclosed in an insulated enclosure (see Installation:
Chase Enclosure). Remember, a cold chimney caus-
es poor draft!
Ceiling clearance is the distance from the top of the fire-
place to the ceiling.
If the space between the top of the fireplace and the ceil-
ing joists is less than 37 inches, the enclosure around the
fireplace MUST be vented. Place a minimum 3" X 10"
vent grille into holes cut within one foot of both the floor
and ceiling levels, to allow room air to circulate through
the fireplace enclosure and reduce heat buildup. These
vent grills may be placed vertically or horizontally. Under
no circumstances is the distance between the ceiling and
the top of the unit to be less than 25 inches (see Figure
After the fireplace is correctly positioned, connect the
combustion air inlet to the outside (see Figure 5).
A 4 inch diameter duct can be used if the total run of the
pipe is less than 25 feet. If the total run is longer than 25
feet, a 5 inch diameter pipe must be used.
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