There are four seat belts installed in your Xebra. It is both unsafe and illegal to place more than one person in a single seat belt. It is
very important to wear them at all times, even for a drive down the block. Follow seatbelt laws as with any other vehicle. Note that the
rear seats do not have lap belts.
For the Xebra Sedan, do not carry more than 4 people, or more than 500 lbs. Do not place one seatbelt over two children.
These recommendations are for your safety while operating the Xebra. The Xebra is technically a three wheel motorcycle that
encloses the passengers. This vehicle does not have airbags or supplemental restraint systems. Because of the size and weight of the
vehicle, it does not have crumple zones or inner-body support like other vehicles. The best safety measure is to operate your Xebra
carefully, following the guidelines in this manual. The Xebra is NOT intended for highway or freeway travel or roads where the speed
limit is 45 mph or greater. Higher speeds will rapidly deplete your batteries. Secondly, if an accident occurs at high speed, the vehicle
will be unsafe.
Wet or oily surfaces, loose gravel or sand and tire and brake conditions will affect your braking. Do your best to be aware of changing
road conditions and adjust your speed and braking distance. If you are in an emergency braking situation, you may also pull up on the
parking brake to help stop you.
Do not operate your Xebra on extremely steep inclines. The suspension and braking is not engineered to handle these angles. Steep
hills can be dangerous and potentially unsafe, so be mindful of the Xebra's capabilities.
The Xebra is not equipped with anti-lock brakes or traction control. Operate at a safe distance from other vehicles and pedestrians.
This is a very light and maneuverable vehicle, but like any vehicle, it must be operated within its limits.
A major factor affecting your batteries is temperature. Extreme heat or cold will drastically alter the batteries' capacity and will require
longer charging or give less range if very cold. See the BATTERY MAINTENANCE section for important information on how
temperature affects the batteries. In cold climates your Xebra should be kept warm in a garage or enclosure. In hot climates, park in
the shade or keep in a cool garage or enclosure.
or HEAT THEM! They are electrical devices and this will void your warranty, cause severe damage to your vehicle and result in
physical harm.
The TOTAL payload is 500lbs. Speed and weight will change your battery consumption. The more the batteries have to work, the
quicker they will need recharging.
The same rule applies to cargo. Passengers plus cargo should not exceed 500 lbs. If you are unsure about the exact weight of your
passengers or the materials you intend to transport, please use common sense and do not put too much strain on your Xebra's motor,
batteries, suspension or tires.
More weight will also require more stopping distance. Your Xebra is Not equipped with power brakes. Exercise caution and do not
follow too closely. Be aware of road obstructions.
In the event of an emergency or accident, push in the large red master off button located just under the front edge of the driver's seat
then immediately leave the vehicle. Do NOT go back into the vehicle to retrieve items, as there may be battery damage or electrical
dangers. See the Master off button section for more information.
Be aware of the battery compartment in the center console area and under the rear seat. If battery fluids or wires are exposed, DO
NOT TOUCH! Acid will burn your skin and wires may still be conducting electricity. Baking soda is a good neutralizer in the event of a
battery spill.
There is no technical reason a full-fledged electric vehicle cannot be available to everyone at a reasonable price. Research and
investment are the obstacles, and political will to pursue this goal. Write your elected officials to push for EV battery research or EV
incentive legislature. And to go totally green, install a Solar Electric charging station on your house or garage.