If you prefer to display the meter’s air speed and airflow
volume measurements in metric units and its temperature
readings in Celsius units, you can change the default settings
for those values.
To change the default settings from Imperial and Fahrenheit
(the factory defaults) to metric and Celsius, start by powering
the meter off. Then power it on in a special way by pressing
and holding the AVERAGE MULTI-POINT button while
pressing the ON-OFF RESET button once. Continue pressing
and holding the AVERAGE button until the beeper sounds and
the meter powers on with the display shown in Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. The initial display for changing default units
As soon as you see this display, release the AVERAGE button.
Pressing the HOLD button at this point makes the ft/m and °F
indications disappear, leaving only m/s and °C on-screen.