D0 End Word
D1 & D8 Display readin
, D1 = LSD, D8 = MSD
For example :
If the display readin
is 1234, then D8 to D1 is
D9 Decimal Point(DP), position from ri
ht to the left
0 = No DP, 1= 1 DP, 2 = 2 DP, 3 = 3 DP `
D10 Polarity
0 = Positive 1 = Ne
D11 & D12 Annunciator for Display
= 01
= 02 m/s = 08
Km/h = 10 ft/min = 11 mile/h = 12
knot = 09
D13 When send the upper display data = 1
When send the lower display data = 2
D14 4
D15 Start Word
1) When the left corner of LCD display show " ", it
is necessary to replace the battery. However, in-spec.
measurement may still be made for several hours after
low battery indicator appears.
2) Slide the " Battery Cover " ( 3-9, Fig. 1 ) away from the
instrument and remove the battery.
3) Replace with 9V battery ( Alkaline or Heavy duty type )
and reinstate the cover.
4) Make sure the battery cover is secured after changing the