Humidity / Dew point
a. Humidity
Range 10 % to 95 % R.H.
Resolution 0.1 % R.H.
Accuracy 70% RH ≧
± (3% reading + 1% RH).
< 70% RH - 3% RH.
±3% RH.
b. Dew point
℃ Range -25.3 to 48.9 ℃℃
Resolution 0.01 ℃
℉ Range -13.5 to 120.1 .℉℉
Resolution 0.01 .℉
Remark :
* Dew Point display value is calculated from the
Humidity/Temp. measurement automatically.
* The Dew Point accuracy is sum accuracy value of
Humidity & Temperature measurement..
* Above specification tests under the environment RF Field Strength less than 3
V/M & frequency less than 30 MHz only.