About these instructions
2 About these instructions
From chapters 4 to 14, you can find information about which safety notes should be complied with, how to
operate the machine and how to respond to malfunctions.
Chapters 15 to 17 tell you more about the electronic control unit and which special equipment is available.
Chapter 20.1 describes where the dosing points for detergent and rinse aid are found. This chapter is in-
tended for service technicians authorised by Winterhalter.
2.1 Explanation of symbols used
The following symbols are used:
Warning of possible severe and even fatal injuries to people if the described precautionary
measures are not observed.
Warning of possible slight injuries to people or possible material damage if the described pre-
cautionary measures are not observed.
Warning of possible defects or irreparable damage to the product if the described precaution-
ary measures are not observed.
This provides important information
This provides useful information
¾ These arrows indicate procedural instructions
D This symbol indicates the results of your actions
This symbol denotes lists
X This symbol refers to a chapter with further information
3 Product description
The UC series dishwashing machines are designed to be used to wash various dishes. The service techni-
cian authorised by Winterhalter does not program the machine's control unit for use of the dishwashing ma-
chine as a “special machine” for a specific application until it is installed. Alternatively, the dishwashing ma-
chine is supplied ready-programmed for a specific application, but can be reprogrammed at any time.
Programming determines whether the machine can be used either as:
− a dishwashing machine (if mostly dishes are to be washed), or as
− a glasswashing machine (if mostly glasses are to be washed), or as
− a bistro dishwashing machine (if dishes and glasses are to be washed), or as
− a cutlery rinsing machine (if only cutlery is to be washed).
If the application changes, the service technician authorised by Winterhalter reprograms the control unit and
thus adapts it to your requirements.
The UC series dishwashing machines are available in the following sizes:
Machine type Width [mm] Depth [mm] Height
UC-S 460 602.5 715
UC-M 600 602.5 715
UC-L 600 602.5 810
UC-XL 600 641.5 810
On machines with integrated exhaust air heat recovery (Energy) the height dimension increases by 85 mm