041-036-B000-001, Rev. A (07/2013)
4.0 Transporting And Storage
4.1 Transporting the Generator
When transporting the generator, it should always be secured upright in its normal operating position with
the fuel valve and engine switch turned “OFF”.
When transporting the generator:
• Do not overll the tank.
• Do not operate the generator while it is on or in a vehicle.
• If you must transport the generator in an enclosed vehicle, drain all fuel from the generator.
4.2 Short Term Storage of the Generator
During short term storage, the generator should be secured upright in its normal operating position with
the fuel valve and engine switch turned “OFF”.
Avoid placing the generator in direct sunlight when storing.
If the generator is left in an enclosed area or vehicle, high temperatures inside could cause residual fuel
to vaporize resulting in possible explosion.
4.3 Infrequent Use
• Gasoline is extremely ammable and explosive under certain conditions.
• Do not smoke or allow ames or sparks in the area.
During long-term storage, or infrequent use of your equipment, it is important to add a fuel stabilizer, such as
STA-BIL® Fuel Stabilizer, to help prevent fuel oxidation (breakdown) and the formation of gum and varnish, and to
inhibit corrosion in the fuel system and carburetor.
1. Be sure the storage area is free of excessive humidity and dust.
2. It is best to keep the tank at least 95% full, as condensation will be less likely to occur in the fuel tank
during storage if the tank is full. Do not overll the tank, as the fuel will need room to expand on hot
days. Add an appropriate amount of fuel stabilizer (per the instructions on the bottle) and run the
generator for 5 minutes to ensure that any fuel trapped in the system has the stabilizer in it. You may
also opt to add the fuel stabilizer and run the unit until it is out of fuel.
If you opt to drain the fuel, then continue on with the instructions below.
3. To drain the gasoline from the fuel tank, turn the engine switch to the “OFF” position.
4. Attach a hose to the drain tting on the carburetor and place the other end of the hose into an
approved gasoline container.
5. Turn the fuel valve to the “ON” position, and loosen the carburetor drain screw and drain the gasoline
into the approved gasoline container.
6. After the fuel tank has been drained, with the drain screw loosened, disconnect the spark plug wire
and pull the starter grip 3 to 4 times to drain the gasoline from the fuel pump.
7. Turn the fuel valve to the “OFF” position, and tighten the drain screw securely.
8. Change the engine oil.