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The WhisperKOOL Slimline cooling unit comes equipped with a liquid temperature measuring thermostat
system. This system incorporates the following advantages:
1. Self-Calibrating Probe: The probe contains a sensor chip, which actually communicates back and
forth to the thermostat. This results in a consistent temperature setting and accuracy. Do not remove
the tip from the probe!
2. Heavy-duty Circuitry: The circuitry within this new unit has been upgraded to resist power surges,
which play havoc on electrical components. This improvement will ensure years of trouble-free use.
However, for the highest reliability, we recommend that the customer install a surge protector for the
unit itself.
To Use the thermostat:
1. Locate an empty wine bottle.
2. Fill 3/4 full with room temperature tap water.
3. Place bottle probe securely into bottle.
4. Place bottle with probe level and to the side of the unit in your
wine cellar. Avoid pulling too much on the probe cord. It may
become disconnected resulting in non-operation of the unit.
Note: The thermostat can be set between 50°F and 67°F.
Remember: The WhisperKOOL System is based on the temperature of
the water. By measuring the liquid temperature rather than air, the unit
will operate 75- 80% of the time.