1 Properties / Services
CP 343-1 Lean for Industrial Ethernet / Manual Part B3L
Release 03/2007
1 Properties / Services
The CP 343−1 Lean communications processor is designed for operation in a
SIMATIC S7-300 programmable logic controller. It allows attachment of the
S7−300 to Industrial Ethernet and supports PROFINET IO.
A 2-port switch with autocrossing, autonegotiation and autosensing was integrated
in the CP for simple integration in a line or for attaching a further Ethernet device.
The CP supports the following communication services:
Integration of the SIMATIC S7−300 programmable controller over the CP as
intelligent PROFINET IO device.
S S7 communication and PG/OP communication
− PG functions (including routing)
− Operator control and monitoring functions (HMI)
− Server for data exchange on S7 connections configured at one end only
without communication blocks on the S7-300 / C7-300 station
S S5 compatible communication with
− SEND/RECEIVE interface over ISO-on-TCP, TCP and UDP connections
− Multicast over UDP connection
The multicast mode is made possible by selecting a suitable IP address
when configuring connections.
− FETCH/WRITE services (server; corresponding to S5 protocol) via
ISO-on-TCP connections and TCP connections;
The addressing mode can be configured for FETCH/WRITE access as the
S7 or S5 addressing mode.
− LOCK/UNLOCK with FETCH/WRITE services;