Volkswagen Group Australia Pty Ltd
24 Muir Road Chullora NSW 2190
ABN 14 093 117 876
Printed in Australia
March 2015
Publication: VGAGGWMY15
Volkswagen is distributed by Volkswagen Group Australia Pty Ltd, 24 Muir Road Chullora, NSW 2190.
ABN 14 093 117 876. Specifications are as planned at July 2014, for Model Year 2015 and are subject to
change without notice or obligation. All information in this brochure is correct at the time of publication,
however variations may occur from time to time and Volkswagen, in so far as it is permitted by law to do so,
shall not be liable in any way as a result of any reliance by any person on anything contained in this specification
sheet. Authorised Volkswagen dealers will provide up-to-date information on model application, design feature,
prices and availability on request. All colours are a general guide only, as the printing process cannot reproduce
the actual exterior colour appearance. See your dealer to confirm colour/model availability.
Volkswagen Insurance & Volkswagen Extended Warranty are provided by Allianz Australia Insurance Limited
(Allianz), AFS Licence No. 234708, ABN 15 000 122 580. In arranging this insurance Volkswagen Financial
Services Australia Pty Limited, ABN 20 097 071 460 & Volkswagen Group Australia Pty Ltd, ABN 14 093 117
896 and the authorised dealers act as agents of Allianz and not as your agent. Volkswagen Finance is a trading
name of Volkswagen Financial Services Australia Pty Limited. Locked Bag 6252, Regents Park NSW 2143.
Tel: 02 9695 6311.