Broadcast Audio
Screen Menu > Broadcasting > Audio Options
The displayed image may differ depending on the model,
Configure the program's audio language. Using this option is different for analog and digital channels.
Digital Broadcast Audio Options
Preferred Language: Digital broadcasts are embedded with audio signals in multiple languages
which users can choose from. You do not need to manually configure digital broadcasts that
support the designated language. If the designated language is not supported, the default audio
language chosen by the TV station will be heard.
o Visual _mpaired: Activate the audio guide for the visually impaired. This is only available with
broadcasts that provide this service.
Analog Broadcast Audio Options
Mumti-Traok Sound: Configure the audio for the current broadcast. You can select a sound you
want to listen from among the ones being broadcasted. Multi-Track Sound may differ depending
on the program being broadcast or broadcast signal. Although user set this option to stereo,
if the broadcast signal or program is not supported a stereo, this option will be set to mono
automatically, i_!: !i!_ /_
Setect the virtual remote panel's INFO button to view the current broadcast's audio signal information.
Select the virtua remote panel's TOOLS button whie watching TV to access and configure the Multi-Track
Sound setting,