1. Preface
1.1. General recommendations
Thank you for choosing an electrical generating set from our company.
This manual has been designed to help you operate and maintain your electrical generating set correctly.
The information contained in this manual is taken from technical data available at the time of print. In line with our policy of
continually improving the quality of our products, this information may be amended without warning.
Read the safety instructions attentively in order to prevent any accidents, faults or damage. These instructions must always be
You are likely to encounter several warning symbols in this manual.
This symbol indicates an immediate danger to human health and life in case of exposure. Failure to follow
the corresponding advice entails serious consequences for human health and life in case of exposure.
This symbol draws attention to the potential risks to human health and life in case of exposure. Failure to
follow the corresponding advice entails serious consequences for human health and life in case of exposure.
This symbol indicates a dangerous situation if the warning is not heeded.
Failure to follow the corresponding advice risks resulting in minor injury of personnel or damage to any other
object in case of exposure.
In order to obtain optimum efficiency and the longest possible life for the electrical generating sets, maintenance operations must be
carried out according to the periods indicated in the attached preventative maintenance tables. If the electrical generating set is
used under dusty or unfavourable conditions, some of these periods will be shorter.
Ensure that all repairs and adjustments are carried out by personnel who have received appropriate training. Dealers have this
qualification, and can answer all of your questions. They can also supply you with spare parts and other services.
The left and right sides can be seen from the back of the electrical generating set (the radiator is at the front).
Our electrical generating sets have been designed so that damaged or worn parts can be replaced by new or reconditioned parts
thereby reducing the out of action period to a minimum.
For any replacement of parts, contact your nearest dealer for our company who will have the necessary equipment and can offer
properly trained and informed staff to carry out maintenance, parts replacement and even total reconditioning of generating sets.
Contact your local dealer for the available repair manuals and to make the necessary arrangements for training personnel in
implementation and maintenance.
Some user and maintenance manuals for the engines fitted to generating sets cover control units and
include the start-up and shutdown procedures for the engines.
As the generating sets are fitted with control units that are specific to the generating sets, only the
information that appears in the documentation for the generating sets' control units should be taken into
In addition, according to the manufacturing criteria of the generating sets, some engines may be fitted with
specific electrical wiring different to that described in the engine documentation.