How This Guide is Organized
This guide contains the following chapters and appendix:
Chapter 1, Introduction, provides an overview of the Wireless Router's
features and capabilities.
Chapter 2, Installation, contains instructions on how install the wireless
Chapter 3, Setup, describes the setup procedure for internet access, LAN
LAN configuration, wireless setup, assigning a password to protect the
configuration data.
Chapter 4, PC Configuration, contains the procedures for configuring
TCP/IP, internet access, and wireless station.
Chapter 5, Operation and Status, displays each screen and provides
detailed information for each parameter.
Chapter 6, Advanced Features, contains information on the advanced
features of the wireless router.
Chapter 7, Advanced Administration, displays the advance
administration screens and defines each parameter.
Appendix A, Troubleshooting, covers likely problems and their solutions.
Appendix B, About Wireless LANs, provides some background
information about using Wireless LANs (WLANs).
Appendix C, Specifications, contains the specification information for
the wireless router, wireless interface, and the regulatory approvals.