To ensure trouble-free operation of the automobiles, we
recommended that You should attentively familiarize yourself with
the present publication and follow all the operating and mainte-
nance instructions laid down therein.
You can trust the maintenance of your automobile to one of the
service stations recommended by the Sellers. These service stations
are well stocked with spares, special appliances and tools. All the
maintenance operations are performed by experienced specialists.
Safety instructions
1. Before a trip, check the condition of the lock mechanisms of
the hood and the body doors.
2. When using the low-freezing fluid, leaded gasoline and brake
fluid, do the following:
- avoid any operations which could lead to penetration of these
fluids or their steams into the mouth cavity;
- do not let to dry the liquid which is occured on the skin, but
wash it off right away with warm water and soap;
- never spill liquids in the interior or indoors. Should spillage
occur, wash off the spilled place with water and ventilate it;
- take off the spilled clothes, wash and dry it outdoors;
- wet with kerosene the carbon of leaded gasoline when scraping
it off to avoid penetrating of toxic particles of carbon into the
respiratory organs.
3. To avoid scalding, open the radiator cap of the engine cooling
system with care.
4. Do not warm up the automobile assemblies with free flame.
5. Cut out the storage battery after driving and also in case of
short circuit of wiring.
1. Do not begin driving the automobile with the cold engine. After
starting the engine from cold, never run it at a high crankshaft speed.
2. Cut in the oil cooler at an ambient temperature above 20