Attach Pencil Ledge (S) to front edge of tabletop using 5/8” Wood Screws
The pencil ledge prevents materials from sliding off or a tilted surface and the slotted connection ailows
for easy adjustment from flush to elevated position.
table top from the
raise thè back edge as high as It will go. This will release the ratchet mechanism.
lift the
return the top to thé flat position,
Fiush Position ^
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your paper and othér media to the tilted tablé
surface.To receive a free roii of Drafting Dote,
simply visit the “Contact Us” page on our website
www.alvinco.com and submit your comments
and suggestions about our MiniMaster table’.We
are consiantiy working on product improvements
and iook forward to hearing from you
To Adjust Height
1.Important Note:The MiniMaster Table Is designed to have all 4 extension tubes set at the same height
at all tImes.Do not attempt to use the table with the tubes set at different heights.
2.Before adjusting height, return table top to the flat,horlzontal position.
3.lt Is suggested that two people perform the height adjustment to avoid damaging table.
4.It Is also suggested that the table be laid on Its back when making height adjustments.
Be sure it is resting on a carpeted or otherwise protected surface.
5.Loosen ail 4 height adjustment knobs
and carefully slide the extension tubes to the desired height.Note
that the extension tube holes align with height adjustment knobs when half of the hole above it is showing.
B.Retighten height adjustment knobs and return tabie to upright position.