© ZyXEL Communication Corp. Page 22 of 24
Proprietary & Confidential Information
93. [BUG FIX] [SPRID 130412361] [3G]LAN PC still can't access Internet after 3G
connect up when DUT has 2 WAN connections.
94. [BUG FIX] [SPRID 130416649] [GUI] The information about 2.4G and 5G are not
correct in the Connection Status page(Interface Status) .
95. [BUG FIX] [SPRID 130415453] When system Log of Category select "DHCP Server",
GUI (Log) can't show any about DHCP Server information.
96. [BUG FIX] [SPRID 130415451] Diagnostic Address set ";" + "sh command" >>
Diagnostic can do sh mode active.
97. [BUG FIX] [SPRID 130422139] DUT can't get Provision Code from DHCP option 43.
98. [BUG FIX] [RD Internal][ADSL] Rate Limit of WAN configuration can't work again,
when user modify "Rate Limit"
99. [BUG FIX] [RD Internal] (Power Management) LED behavior is wrong after reboot
when DUT enabled power management.
100. [BUG FIX] [RD Internal] there are two "Host Name" fields in USB Service > File
Sharing for Google Chrome and Firefox.
101. [FEATURE ENHANCEMENT] Support tr69 to update romd.
102. [FEATURE MODIFICATION] [RD Internal] modify timer of reset to default button to
trigger in CFE from 20s to 10s.
103. [FEATURE MODIFICATION] modify default config, set WLAN 2.4G default
bandwidth to 40MHz.
104. [FEATURE MODIFICATION] [HW][WLAN] update 5G SROM for CPK issue.
105. [FEATURE MODIFICATION] [HW][WLAN] update 2.4G and 5G con-current
regulatory power table limitation for CE/FCC to EU/60 and Q1/60.
106. [FEATURE MODIFICATION][RD Internal] WLAN auto generate SSID for 5G to
ZyXELXXXXXX_5G (XXXXXX is the last 6 mac address).
107. [BUG FIX] [SPRID 121214980] VDSL bridge throughput can't pass PQA criteria (Run
64 to 1518 continuous).
Modifications in V1.00(AAKL.0)b1
108. Base on 1.00(AAGW.0)b4 to release V1.00(AAKL.0)b1
109. Change Vendor Name to “ZyXEL Communications Corp.”.
Default Settings in V1.00(AAKL.4)b2
Please refer to V100AAKL4b1.rom for more detail. It can be viewed by text editor.