The D310 & D420 large capacity card feeders have been developed for
use with the Zebra P310 & P420 series of plastic card printers for
applications where the standard card feeder capacity is not sufficient.
The feeders are available in kit form designed to allow retro fit to any
P310 or P420 printer or as a complete, ready built printer/feeder
The feeder kit consists of all parts, cables and instructions to allow a
printer to be quickly and easily upgraded. The standard printer cover and
card feeder must be removed and a new feeder base/support plate and
printer cover fitted. A new wiring loom takes power from the printer’s
main PCB to drive the feeder which is still controlled by the standard
Zebra Windows driver for ease of integration.
The complete printer assemblies are supplied as a P310 monochrome,
P310 colour or P420 colour printer complete with the 200 or 400 card
feeder unit. Options on these units include a 3 track Hi/Lo-Co switchable
magnetic encoder and Smart Card contacts.
For applications where the printer is being used inside a kiosk, we offer a
set of full extension runners that allow the printer to be easily withdrawn
from the kiosk for maintenance and consumable changes. The runners
can be mounted to allow access from either the front or rear of the kiosk.
In addition to the standard “Out Of Cards” status returned to the host PC
by the Windows driver, the feeder unit also has an adjustable “Card Low”
status which can be monitored via a separate RS232C port. The card low
level can be adjusted between 10 and 50 cards.
D310 & D420 Large Capacity Card Feeder Kiosk Mounting Kits
Order Codes:
Codes are for kit only but can also be supplied as a complete printer – contact DED
sales for more information.
D310-200-00 – 200 card capacity feeder kit for P310 Series (0.76mm cards)
D310-400-00 – 400 card capacity feeder kit for P310 Series (0.76mm cards)
D420-200-00 – 200 card capacity feeder kit for P420 Series (0.76mm cards)
D420-400-00 – 400 card capacity feeder kit for P420 Series (0.76mm cards)
Features Include:
Supplied in kit form or ready built
200 or 400 card capacity
Card out and card low warnings
Uses standard Eltron Windows
Simple to fit
Use a D310 & D420 modified
printer for:
Kiosk Integration
Large Volume Bureau
Transport Ticket Issuing
Extending runner kit
elephone : 01797 320636 Fax : 01797 320273
Website : www.ded.co.uk Email : [email protected]