We offer a selection of add-on extras for your card production system. These
include photo and signature capture solutions to quickly and easily input card
holder’s details into our software for card production.
We also offer a range of Smart Card encoding modules to enable the printer to be
used to encode both contact and contactless cards. Our highly experienced Sales and
Technical teams can also assist you in the selection and supply of any other related
equipment that you may require.
The Bioscrypt V-Pass & V-Smart are practical and affordable fingerprint
scanners for use in conjunction with CardCreator Elite.
The V-Pass is ideal for the initial capture of the fingerprint which can be
recorded into the database and/or onto a proximity card which can be
used for double verification of the holder.
The V-Smart features an integrated Mifare or HID Prox reader and is
ideal for fingerprint scanning and verification against the card.
If verification against the card is not required the V-Pass can be used on
it’s own at the point of access. Both readers feature an RS232C or
RS485 interface and are available with an optional waterproofing kit for
external use.
Bioscrypt V-Smart and V-Pass
Features Include:
Standalone Fingerprint Scanner
Supports HID & Mifare Cards
(V-Smart Only)
Unlimited Users
Compact Design
Unlimited users
Multi Colour LED’s & Tone Signal
Waterproof Cover
Bioscrypt V - Pass fingerprint scanner with RS232C interface
Bioscrypt V - Smart fingerprint scanner with intergrated Mifare reader & RS232C
Bioscrypt V - Smart fingerprint scanner with intergrated HiD iClass reader &
RS232C interface
More and more applications are moving away from more traditional
barcoded or magnetic stripe cards, and so with this in mind, DED has
introduced a range of contact (Smart Card) and contactless (Proximity)
encoding modules for the Zebra, CIM & NBS range of plastic card
The kit allows a card to be passed through the printer and read/encoded
and printed in one single, simple operation. Even combinations of two or
more chip technologies in a single printer can be catered for.
Software integration is simple as both demonstration software and dll
files are supplied with each kit. For even greater ease of use the Mifare &
HID kits are supported by our CardFive Elite and CardExchange
softwares. Elite manages the complete setup of the card, PIN numbers,
data positioning and encoding process making it incredibly simple to
setup and use.
All kits are supplied with full fitting instructions making them simple to
integrate into any existing printer. Data cable, demonstration software, dll
files and programming codes are also supplied as part of the kit.
Alternatively, DED can supply the printer with the kit already fitted.
For even greater flexibility, the new D310/D420 large capacity card
feeder kit from DED can be used in conjunction with the encoder kits.
The kits are suitable for use with the following printers:
Zebra P310i, P320i, P330i, P420i, P520i, P720.
NBS J310, J420.
CIM K310, K420.
Smart Card Encoding Solutions
The kits available are available to
suit most standard card types,
however if you have a specific
request, please contact us to discuss
your requirements:
Internal Smart Card Encoder Kit
- Gemplus GCI400 (T=0, T=1)
Internal Smart Card Encoder Kit
- Gemplus GCI400 (PCSC)
Internal Smart Card Encoder Kit
- Orga Cream 130
Internal Smart Card Encoder Kit
- Towitoko
Internal Proximity Card Encoder Kit
- Mifare GCI680
Internal Proximity Card Encoder Kit
Internal Proximity Card Encoder Kit
- I-Code OBID
Internal Proximity Card Encoder Kit
Internal Proximity Card Encoder Kit
- Hitag Feig ID RW01.
Internal Smart Card/Proximity
Card Encoder Kit
- GCI410/Mifare GCI680
Technical Specification
Contactless Cards (Proximity Cards)
MIFARE Upgrade Kit
* GCI-680 Mifare Controller PCB
* RF-13.56MHz Antenna unit
HITAG Upgrade Kit
* OBID HITAG Controller PCB
* RF-125KHz Antenna unit
LEGIC Upgrade Kit
* MIMIU-S LEGIC Controller PCB
* RF-13.56KHz Antenna unit
I-CODE Upgrade Kit
* I-Code Controller PCB
* RF-13.56KHz Antenna unit
Contact Cards (Memory & Processor)
Smart Card Upgrade Kit
* GCI-410 Smart Card Controller PCB (alternatively Towitoko and Siemens B1)
* I/F PCB with RS232C Interface
* Contact Assembly unit
Contactless Cards (Read Only)
HID Prox
* HID Prox Controller PCB
* RF-125KHz Antenna Unit
elephone : 01797 320636 Fax : 01797 320273
Website : www.ded.co.uk Email : [email protected]18