General Guidance
Choosing Appropriate Materials
Xerox Oil Inkjet Media all vary in coating structure, physical properties (such as base weight and thickness), and
base material type (paper, fabric, films or vinyl). These variances not only need a specific printer set-up to
successfully run each material through the printer, but will cause some differences in achievable image quality
per media type, eg. Fabrics give different image quality to vinyl even if both are printed in the same resolution.
The coating layer or layers on each media type differ because the structure must take account of base
properties (i.e. thickness, absorbency, smoothness, texture), must provide suitable adhesion to both printed
image (ink) and the base material, and the base-coating combination must meet the needs of the application.
Each media is also specified to print within a range of resolutions.
The most common mistake in constructing a graphic is using incorrect materials. The choice of materials
requires critical information about the end-use. Ask the following questions to determine the application
requirements and use the information in this guide to select the materials that will work best.
1. How will the print be viewed?
What is the viewing distance – close-up in an exhibition hall, hanging 10 stories up on the side of a
building, or on the side of a moving vehicle?
2. What are the environmental conditions where the print will be displayed?
Indoors or outdoors? Is there a harsh element such as pollution, water, wind or direct exposure to
sunlight? Are there extreme weather patterns and fluctuations?
3. What is the expected life or durability of the print?
How long will it be displayed? How many times will it be used, stored, or posted?
4. What types of finishing or rigid materials for mounting are needed?
Will it be finished with a laminate or encapsulated? Is a glossy surface best or would glare hinder
viewing? Does the print need to be made into a banner with seams and eyelets?
5. What is the budget for the job?
Appropriate Applications for Media
Use the following matrix to quickly determine if
a media type may be suitable for an application
Mounted Print
Backlit Display
Bill Board
Multi-panel Display
Wall Graphics
80 g/m
Line Art Paper
90 g/m
Coated Graphic Design Paper
95 g/m
Hi White Graphic Arts Paper
125 g/m
Hi White Graphic Arts Paper
120 g/m
Outdoor Poster Paper - Blue Backed
125 g/m
Presentation Paper, 720 dpi
115 g/m
Presentation Paper
160 g/m
Heavy Weight Presentation Paper
236 g/m
Reinforced Paper
White Matt Film
Backlit Film
Banner Fabric
Banner Vinyl
Pressure Sensitive Vinyl
The solutions presented here have been taken from actual work carried out using X2. Each has been tested in
the field and proven successful for the specified use. While there is no such thing as a typical job, these
methods cover the majority of the applications currently suited to oil inkjet and the X2 printer and are fully
supported by Xerox. Each media data sheet gives a more detailed description of specific media capabilities.