Machine Administrator
Quick Reference
Refer to these pages for more information
System Management Tools..........................page 10 - 2
The Billing Counters ...............................page 9 - 5
Feed Roll Counters, resetting.................page 10 - 43
Configuration Report ..............................page 10 - 23
Fax Features ................................................page 6 - 1
Network Scanning Features.........................page 7 - 1
Network Accounting .....................................page 11 - 20
Change the Tools password...................page 11 - 14
the Audio Tone volume ................................page 10 - 19
the Power Saver Timer.................................page 10 - 62
the Touch Screen brightness .......................page 10 - 20
the Features default values..........................page 10 - 37
the Features screen reset time.....................page 10 - 22
a system to track usage page 11 - 1
the Paper Tray Management System...........page 10 - 11
Output Options (send jobs to the top tray) ...page 10 - 35