Basic Printing
Phaser® 7750 Color Laser Printer
3. Select one of the following paper size options:
■ The paper size displayed or Auto-Sensed
■ Custom: Requires you to select custom width and custom height values.
For information on custom size printing, go to Reference/Printing/Custom Size Paper
on the User Documentation CD-ROM.
4. In the printer driver, select either the paper type or Tray 2.
Trays 3-5
1. At the printer’s front panel, do one of the following:
■ Press the OK button if the paper type selected is correct.
■ Select the correct paper type, then press the OK button.
2. In the printer driver, select either the paper type or Tray 3, 4, or 5.
For more information about printing options and other selections, click the Help button on
the printer driver tab to view the online help.
Trays 2-5 Paper Path for 2-Sided Printing
The following graphic displays the printer’s paper path for 2-sided printing: